
1. Disinfection
The reduction / removal of microbes from an inanimate object or material to such a low extent that it is no longer infectious
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3. Cleaning Vs Disinfection
Cleaning = physically removing contamination/dirt/soil BUT does not neccesarily destroy microorganism. This often involves the use of detergents and cleaning can aid dissinfection
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4. What is an Antibiotic
A chemical substance produced by a micro-organism that kills or inhibits the growth of another microorganism
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5. What is an antiseptic
Chemical agennts that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms and is sufficiently non - toxic to be applied to living tissue
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6. What is a preservative
A substance or preparation added to a product to destroy or inhibit the replication of microorganism
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7. 3 levels of dissinfection
1. High - all microbes killed except Bacterial spores and Prions 2. Medium - Most cell including M. tuberculosis killed 3. Low - Many cells killed ( Bacteria and Fungi) M. Tuberculosis, Spores, Viruses and Prions
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8. Choice of dissinfectant is based upon
1. Properties of the dissinfectant 2. Microbial Challenge 3. Intended Application 4. Enviromental factors 5. Toxicity of Agent
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9. Alchohols
Not one of the best. Ethanol / Isopropanol -> the major alchohols 70% effective against bacteria e.g. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis It's slow acting so long contact time needed Used in clean conditions only Alchohol mixture increases
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10. Aldehydes
One of the best very efficient. Gaseous disinfectant = Formaldehyde / Gluteraldehyde It's a extremely efficient and very high level disinfectant Spores, Fungi and Bacteria = Mycobacterium spp.
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11. Biguandes
Chlorexidine - Body wash used for disinfection , Pre-op use - non toxic, Efficacy reduced in the presence of organic matter Activity Gram Positive > Gram Negattive Inactive against spores & Mycobacterium spp. at ambient temperatures
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12 Halogens
Hypochlorites = House hold bleach. Activity is due to the release of Chlorine, it's very active against vegatative bacteria => Mycobacterium spp, some spores and fungi. Harmfull to skin, eyes and lungs esp. at high temperature Concentrate sold
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13. Iodine
These are Halogens, effective but expensive. Effective against Vegatative Bacteria (Both gram positive and gram negative ), fungi & both lipids and non - lipids containing viruses. Less effective against spores. They are safe on skin so used in su
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14. Peroxygen
Really effective. Broad spectrum / high level disinfectant effective on hard surfaces. *Hydrogen Peroxide = 5 - 20% bactericidal and fungicidal, higher concentration 35% neccesary for sporicidal action. * Virkon - paracetic acid = Fungal, Viral and
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15. Phenols / Clear Phenols
Originally came from coal, tar and oil. Clear phenols = Dettol and Tridosan. rapidly active against moderatly / high bacterial load. Effecitive against vegitative bacteria including Mycobacterium spp & fungi,, not sporicidal & non - lipid containing
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16. QAC's - Quarternary Ammonium Compounds
Inexpensive, (cationic detergents/ surfacants), usefull but with limitations . Stable, non - corrosive it;s use is limited to food preparations. It's non - toxic, acts against vegatative cells and some fungi. Inactive against => Mycobacterium spp.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Cleaning = physically removing contamination/dirt/soil BUT does not neccesarily destroy microorganism. This often involves the use of detergents and cleaning can aid dissinfection


3. Cleaning Vs Disinfection

Card 3


A chemical substance produced by a micro-organism that kills or inhibits the growth of another microorganism


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Card 4


Chemical agennts that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms and is sufficiently non - toxic to be applied to living tissue


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Card 5


A substance or preparation added to a product to destroy or inhibit the replication of microorganism


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