S2W5 Renal disease and drug handling (PK)

What is acute kidney injury?
When your kidneys suddenly stop working properly.
Can be minor loss to kidney function or complete kidney failure
Usually occurs as a complication of another serious illness.
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What is chronic kidney disease?
Long-term condition where the kidneys dont work as well as they should
Associated with old age
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What is the difference between AKI and chronic kidney disease?
AKI is usually reversible but chronic kidney disease is gradual as a result of hypertension or diabetes.
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What are the main causes of chronic kidney disesae?
Diabetes, high BP, Heart disease, Diabetes, Family history og CKD, past damage to the kidneys and old age
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Why is eGFR a good measure of kidney function?
Glomerular filtration rate tells us how well the kidneys are filtering
GFR helps to identify the stage as usually no symptoms of low kidney function are initially presente
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What is eGFR?
Estimated glomerular filtration rate.
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What are some issues with prescribing for kidney disease?
Reduced renal excretion of a drug and its metabolites may give rise to toxicity (NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors), sensitivity to some drugs is increased (digoxin), tolerance to side effects is impaired, some drugs are ineffective when renal function is impaire
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Card 2


What is chronic kidney disease?


Long-term condition where the kidneys dont work as well as they should
Associated with old age

Card 3


What is the difference between AKI and chronic kidney disease?


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Card 4


What are the main causes of chronic kidney disesae?


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Card 5


Why is eGFR a good measure of kidney function?


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