S1 - Location

  • Created by: jackjj9
  • Created on: 20-11-16 12:07
What is the official notation for the mean of discrete or grouped data?
X bar (x with a line on the top)
1 of 8
What is the formula to calculate x bar from discrete data?
x bar = sigma(x)/n
2 of 8
What is the formula to calculate x bar from grouped data?
x bar = sigma(fx)/sigma(x) : where x = midpoint of each group and f = group frequency
3 of 8
What is the formula to calculate a combined mean?
x bar = (n1*xbar1)+(n2*xbar2) / n1 + n2
4 of 8
What method is used to find the median from grouped data?
5 of 8
What is the formula used for interpolation?
LB +[(places into group / group frequency) * class width]
6 of 8
How do find how far into a group the median is?
Take number value that it is and take away the cumulative frequency of the group before from it
7 of 8
How do you calculate the median from discrete data?
(n +1)/2
8 of 8

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Card 2


What is the formula to calculate x bar from discrete data?


x bar = sigma(x)/n

Card 3


What is the formula to calculate x bar from grouped data?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the formula to calculate a combined mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What method is used to find the median from grouped data?


Preview of the front of card 5
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