Russia in Transition Timeline

  • Created by: tammymj02
  • Created on: 04-12-17 17:48
Bloody Sunday
January 22nd 1905
1 of 20
October Manifesto
October 17th 1905
2 of 20
WW1 Begins
July 28th 1905
3 of 20
First Duma
April-July 1906
4 of 20
Stolypin appopinted prime minister
July 21st 1906
5 of 20
Second Duma
Feburary- June 1907
6 of 20
Third Duma
1907- June 1912
7 of 20
Fourth Duma
8 of 20
Tsar Nicholas becomes supreme commander of the Russian Army
September 5th 1915
9 of 20
Rasputin is Murdered
December 30th 1916
10 of 20
March Revolution
March 8th-12th 1917
11 of 20
Tsar Abdicates
March 15th 1917
12 of 20
The Tsars brother refuses the throne
March 16th 1917
13 of 20
Lenin returns from exile and arrives in Petrograd
April 16th 1917
14 of 20
July Days
Jult 16th-20th
15 of 20
Alexander Kerensky becomes prime minsiter of Provisional Government
July 24th 1917
16 of 20
November revolution
November 7th 1917
17 of 20
Treaty of Brest- Litvosk
March 3rd 1918
18 of 20
Bloshevik Party - Communist Party
March 8th 1918
19 of 20
Russian Civil war begins
June 1918
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


October 17th 1905


October Manifesto

Card 3


July 28th 1905


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


April-July 1906


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


July 21st 1906


Preview of the back of card 5
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