Romeo and Juleit

The play starts with the Montague and Capulet families fighting one another in the streets of Verona. Why does the brawl begin?
The servants are fighting
1 of 10
'Death-marked love' is an example of what?
2 of 10
Tybalt demands that Romeo should fight him as he has "dishonoured the Capulet name". Romeo refuses. Who takes his place?
3 of 10
Lady Capulet tells the Nurse to call Juliet to her. What does this tell us about Lady Capulet?
She is bossy and directs the nurse to do menial tasks
4 of 10
What does Juliet call her mother?
5 of 10
What kind of person is Tybalt? (characteristics)
Confident and aggressive
6 of 10
What does 'O brother Montague' (spoken by Capulet) illustrate to the audience? (end of play)
They are now 'brothers' as the feud between the two families has ended
7 of 10
Which theme does Shakespeare present in the prologue?
Love and hate
8 of 10
Why does Shakespeare begin his play with conflict?
To highlight how the Montagues and Capulets hate each other
9 of 10
Why did Shakespeare begin his play with the prologue?
He wanted to outline the conflict between the two families and Romeo and Juliet's death
10 of 10

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Card 2


'Death-marked love' is an example of what?



Card 3


Tybalt demands that Romeo should fight him as he has "dishonoured the Capulet name". Romeo refuses. Who takes his place?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Lady Capulet tells the Nurse to call Juliet to her. What does this tell us about Lady Capulet?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Juliet call her mother?


Preview of the front of card 5
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