Romeo and Juleit - themes

What are some of the key themes in Romeo and Juliet?
Love, death, conflict, family
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The themes love, conflict and family interlink. What was Shakespeare trying to illustrate through this?
How love, conflict and family intertwine with one another. He also wanted to show that sometimes, through love, we can also hate.
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How is the theme of love shown in the play?
Romeo and Juliet's first meeting (fall in love instantly), Romeo's friendship with Mercutio (he refuses to fight Tybalt so Mercuitio takes his place), Romeo and Juliet's deaths (they die to be together)
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Why has Shakespeare made the relationship between Romeo and Juliet tragic?
To show: true love is never ease, love can have a damaging effect on those involved or surrounding them,Families should listen to each other & have honest relationships.
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How is the theme of conflict shown in Romeo and Juliet?
By the two warring families (prologue), Juliet's inner conflict when she sees Romeo is a Montague (she loves someone she's meant to hate), the conflict between Tybalt and Romeo(gate crashing party), and between Juliet and her father(refuses marriage)
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Why has Shakespeare used the theme of conflict in this play?
Audience can relate to theme (they would've been part of conflict in their lives), and conflict is the reason the play is tragic: it's because of the families conflict that Romeo and Juliet die.
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How is the theme of family presented in Romeo and Juliet?
Families presented as: similar, warring( (opening scene), and repenting for their past behavior (they apologise to each other once find the lovers dead)
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How does Shakespeare present the Nurse's feelings towards Juliet with the quotation: "Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed. An I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish."
"prettiest" -Nurse favourites Juliet + her beauty, "I nursed" - they have special connection, "I have my wish" - Nurse wishes for Juliet's happiness, putting Juliet's happiness before her own.
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Card 2


The themes love, conflict and family interlink. What was Shakespeare trying to illustrate through this?


How love, conflict and family intertwine with one another. He also wanted to show that sometimes, through love, we can also hate.

Card 3


How is the theme of love shown in the play?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why has Shakespeare made the relationship between Romeo and Juliet tragic?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How is the theme of conflict shown in Romeo and Juliet?


Preview of the front of card 5
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