  • Created by: Darcebrad
  • Created on: 20-04-23 21:05
What is the control
Allows inferences about cause
1 of 123
Name 3 ways to describe significance
Test stat larger than expected if no effect, reject null, <5% null true
2 of 123
Describe 3 ways for non sig
95% due to chance, reject alt, do not accept null
3 of 123
What is reliability, give 2 examples
Are results consistent? Internal- within test, external- inter rater
4 of 123
What is validity
Measures what it intends to
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What is construct validity
Adheres to theory of concept being measured
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What is criterion validity
Similar to other tests measuring same thing
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What is content validity
Covers all aspects
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What are measurement errors
Discrep between observed and actual values
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What is a random error
Misreading scores
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What is a systematic error
Consistent diffs, such as miscalibration, doing things to one group but not another
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What is unsystematic variance
Variance due to unmeasured variables
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What are inferential stats
Draw conclusions about groups
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How to calculate expected values
Prob x total ps no.
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What is type one error
State effect when there isn’t
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What controls for type one error
Planned contrasts
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What are contrasts
Look at do the means differ
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What is power
How large a sample to detect an effect, 1-b
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If a b=.2 what does this mean
20% chance of type 2 error
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What is p hacking
Selective reporting of sig results
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What is harking
Hyp made after results are known
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What are correlations
Look at the outcome of DV from IV with some error
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What is the parameter
The model (SSm) or Bo
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What does B1 mean
The gradient
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What is variance
Spread of data
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How to calculate variance
SD2 = total (x - mean) divided by N-1
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What is standard deviation
The square root of variance
27 of 123
How to calculate z score
X-mean/ SD
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What is covariance
Overlap of shared variance, how they relate e.g. ancova
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What do multiple comparisons control for
Family wise error
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What are multiple comparisons
Compare every group mean
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What is residual variance
How well the regression line model fits the actual data
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What is R
The correlation of the IV on DV and the observed values
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What is R squared
The coefficient of determination, strength of correl without direction
34 of 123
what does R= .5 mean
25% variance accounted for by IV
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What is the calculation for R squared
SSr divided by SSt
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What is Rsq change
Shows the direction of correl by controlling for variables
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What does adjusted Rsq show
How much variance is shared by 2+ IVs
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What is the standardised b coefficient and which test uses this
Multiple regression, and shows how much DV changes for every 1 SD change in IV
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Describe F stats in 2 ways
How good the model is, is the line of best fit (model) better for DV than the mean
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How to calculate F
MSm/ MSr
41 of 123
What is a good F change stat
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What is the regression stat in 3 ways
The model, SSm, diff between mean and model
43 of 123
Describe residuals in 3 ways
Error, SSr, diff of observed and model
44 of 123
Describe the total in 2 ways
SSt, diff of obs and mean
45 of 123
What tests use df (x,x)
ANOVA and ancova
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What is bivariate correlation
Correlation between 2 variables
47 of 123
What is semi partial
Correl between 2 var while control for 1 additional
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What is partial
Correl of 2 var while partial effect of additional var on both
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What is biserial correlation
Strength of reli between 2 var when both are categ/dichotomous
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What is point biserial
Strength of 2 var when one contin and one categ
51 of 123
What is simple regression
Linear model of 1 IV and 1 DV
52 of 123
What is multiple regression
Reli of many IVs and 1 DV
53 of 123
What is hierarchal regression
Comparing models for sig of variance, calculated order
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What is stepwise regression
Variables entered into model based on math criteria
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What is logistic regression
Predict the categ outcome
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What are indep t test assumptions
Indep groups, no sig outliers, norm, homog of var
57 of 123
What is homogeneity of variance
Equal variance, no relationship
58 of 123
What does it mean for independent obs/groups
No relationship between the groups
59 of 123
What are independence of errors
60 of 123
What is no autocorrelation
No reli, diff obs, approx 0
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What is multicollinearity
When variables correl highly and likely measure same thing
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What tests for multicollinearity and what would be good stat
VIF <10, Tolerance >.1
63 of 123
What is homoscedasticity
Equal distributions across x axis
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What is additivity
No interaction, independent from each other
65 of 123
What 3 things are caused by multicollinearity
Untrustworthy bs- se of b rises, limits r, can’t assess IV importance
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What is Sphericity and what tests for this
Variance of diffs are equal, Mauchleys test-not sig
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What are casewise residuals and what is a good score
Do the individual scores influence the model too much, <2
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What stats would you want from standardised test statistic for sig
Between -1.96 and 1.96
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What is a low, medium and high score for cramers V
.2, .4, .6
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What is a low, medium and high score for Cohens d
.2, .5, .8
71 of 123
What is a low, medium and high score for R
.29, .3-.49, .5-1
72 of 123
What is a low, medium and high score for ETA squared
.01, .06, .14
73 of 123
How to calculate chi sq
Total (OF-EF) squared / error
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How to calculate df for chi sq tests
(No. Of rows-1) x (no. Of columns-1)
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What test uses df-2
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What is the t stat for multiple regression
Sig of coefficient R for each IV
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What is the t stat for t tests, what would p=.002 mean
The prob of null,0.2% null is correct
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How to calculate cohens d
Mean variable - mean other var / SD of first var
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What are the dependent t test assumptions
Contin DV, outliers, indep obs, norm
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Assumptions for simple regression
Contin DV, linear, indep errors/auto correl, norm, homosced
81 of 123
Assumptions for Linear regression
Linear, auto correl, multicollinearity, homosced, norm, additivity
82 of 123
Assumptions for Multiple regression
Linear, indep obs, multicollinearity, homosced, norm,
83 of 123
Assumptions for 1 way indep ANOVA
Contin DV, 2+ categ IVs, indep obs, norm, outliers, homog
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Assumptions for repeated ANOVA
Contin DV, 2+ categ IVs, outliers, norm, sphericity
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Assumptions for ANOVA or two way indep
Norm, homog, random allocation, indep obs, contin DV
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Assumptions for Ancova
Homog, indep obs, linear, norm
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Assumptions for Mixed factorial ANOVA
Contin DV, norm, homosced, multicollinearity
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Assumptions for Chi sq
>5 sample, <2 categ var, <2 conditions
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Assumptions for Parametric tests
Norm, homog, outlier, random and indep samples
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What tests are non parametric
Chi sq, logistic regression, log linear
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What is chi sq
Comparing observed with expected values, are 2 categ var related
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When to use chi sq
1+ categ var, 1IV
93 of 123
What is logistic regression
Predicts the categ outcome
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When to use logistic regression
Categ var, 1+ IV, both designs for DV
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What is log linear analysis
Correl between 2+ categ var
96 of 123
When to use log linear
Categ var, 2+ IV, categ DV
97 of 123
What is indep t test
Compares 2 means from indep groups
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When to use indep t tests
Contin, 1 IV, less than 2 groups, 1 DV
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Non parametric version of indep t test
Mann whitney
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What is dependent t test
Compares 2 means for one group
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Non parametric version of dependent t test
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What is pearsons correlation
Strength of reli between 2 variables
103 of 123
Non parametric version of Pearsons
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When to use pearsons
Contin, 1 IV, 1 DV
105 of 123
What is 1 way ANOVA
Diff between 2+ group means
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When to use 1 way ANOVA
Contin, 1 IV, 1 DV, 2+ groups
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Non parametric version of 1 way anova
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What is 1 way repeated anova
Diff between 2+ group means from same group
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Non parametric version of 1 way repeated anova
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What is 2 way anova
Compare means of 2 IV groups on DV
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When to use 2 way Anova
Contin, 2 Iv, 1 DV, 2+ groups
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What is mixed factorial
How many factors affect the DV
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What is an example of 2,3,4 factorial designs
2- 1 IV, 1 repeated, 3- 1 IV, 2 repeated, 4- 2 IV, 2 repeated
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When to use mixed factorials
Contin, 2+ IV, 1 DV, 2+ groups with diff designs
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What is multiple regression
Strength of reli between 2+ IV and 1 DV
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When to use multiple regression
Contin, 2+ IV, 1 DV
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What is ancova
Reli between categ or contin vars on contin DV, controlling for covariates
118 of 123
When to use ancova
2+ IV or groups, 1 contin DV, 1 contin covar
119 of 123
What tests need to be non sig for assumptions to be met
Levene sig, Levene equal variance, mauchley, interaction effects
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Which test looks at sphericity
1 way repeated anova
121 of 123
What are continuous variables and give examples
Interval eg temp, ratio eg age, height
122 of 123
What are categorical variables with examples
Nominal e.g. name, ordinal e.g. ranks, binary e.g. yes or no
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 3 ways to describe significance


Test stat larger than expected if no effect, reject null, <5% null true

Card 3


Describe 3 ways for non sig


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is reliability, give 2 examples


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is validity


Preview of the front of card 5
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