Rivers(river discharge)

  • Created by: revision
  • Created on: 09-03-17 18:26
What is river discharge?
River discharge is the volume of water that flows in a river per second.
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What is peak discharge?
The highest discharge in the period of time your looking at.
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What is Lag time?
The difference between peak rainfall and peak discharge.
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What is the rising limb?
The increase in river discharge as rainwater flows into the river.
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What is the falling limb?
The decrease in river discharge as the river returns to its normal level.
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Factors that increase discharge and make the hydrograph steeper.
High rainfall causes more runoff and a shorter lag time. Intense rainfall too, Impermeable rock water can't infiltrate into the rock so there's more runoff and a shorter lag time. Steep slopes cause more runoff and a shorter lag time.
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Factors that decrease discharge and make the hydrograph gentler.
Low rainfall causes less rainfall and longer lag time, light rainfall too, permeable rockwater infiltrates through pore spaces in permeable rock, so theres less run off and longer lag time, gentle slopes cause less run off and longer lag time.
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Urban areas
They have drainage systems and they're covered in impermeable materials- these increase discharge so hydrographs for rivers in urban areas are steep.
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Rural areas
They have more vegitation, which decreases discharge. There are also more reservoirs in rural areas - they store water and release it slowly , decreasing discharge in the river below. This means the graphs are gently sloping.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is peak discharge?


The highest discharge in the period of time your looking at.

Card 3


What is Lag time?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the rising limb?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the falling limb?


Preview of the front of card 5
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