
What does interception mean?
Interception is vegetation soaking up water.
1 of 17
How do humans impact the hydrological cycle?
Humans impact the hydrological cycle by building impermeable surfaces such as tarmac and concrete.
2 of 17
What is a watershed?
A watershed is a boundary that separates two drainage basins.
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What is an estuary?
Where a river meets the sea, this area is also tidal.
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What is sediment?
Sediment is material that is moved along by the river system.
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What does long profile mean?
The long profile is the shape f the land around a river.
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What is helicoidal flow?
Helicoidal flow is a continuous corkscrew motion of water along a river channel
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What is a river cliff?
A river cliff is a landform on the outside of a river caused by lateral erosion
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What is undercutting?
Undercutting is erosion under a layer of rock that creates an overhang.
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What is vertical erosion?
Vertical erosion is erosion at the bottom of a river channel
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What are some human causes of of flooding?
Deforestation and Construction
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What are some physical causes of flooding?
Prolonged Rainfall, Heavy Rainfall, Geology and Relief
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What is Peak Discharge?
Peak Discharge is the time of the highest water levels in the river.
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What is a Rising Limb?
The increase in the amount of water in a river after rainfall.
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What are some flood impacts on humans?
Death, contaminated water, power supplies cut off, services forced to close, transport damaged, homes damaged, possesions
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What are some flood impacts on the economy?
Lost income, insurance costs, repair costs.
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What are some flood impacts on the environment?
Habitats destroyed, polluted rivers, destroy crops, destroys natural flood defences, trees uprooted,
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do humans impact the hydrological cycle?


Humans impact the hydrological cycle by building impermeable surfaces such as tarmac and concrete.

Card 3


What is a watershed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an estuary?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is sediment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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