  • Created by: Eve
  • Created on: 28-03-13 20:15

1. What is attrition?

  • A form of erosion in a river where rocks being carried by the river smash together to create, smaller, smoother and rounder particles
  • The force of the river against the banks cause air to get trapped in small cracks and crevices which caused pressure and weakens the banks
  • Soluble particles are dissolved into the river
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2. What is it called when rocks being carried by the river gradually wear down the river bed and banks?

  • Abrasion
  • Hydraulic Action
  • Attrition

3. How does solution erosion take place?

  • Rocks carried in the flowing water smash together to create smaller, smoother particles
  • Soluble particles are dissolved into the river and slowly wear away the banks
  • The force of the river water against the banks cause air to get trapped in small cracks, in turn putting pressure on the banks and eventually wearing them away

4. What type of river transport bounces small pebbles and stones along the river bed?

  • Saltation
  • Attrition
  • Traction

5. At the mouth of a river, when enters a lake or sea...

  • ...the velocity drops and its energy levels are lowest
  • ...the velocity increases and its energy levels are highest
  • ...the velocity drops and its energy levels are highest


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