Right Realism

  • Created by: chend96
  • Created on: 04-05-14 10:47
What do right realists believe about crime?
That crime, especially street crime undermines social cohesion and destroys communities.
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What does wilson state about other sociologists?
That they spent too much time trying to discover the causes of crime, when they should have been dealing with it.
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So what ways does he believe are the most effective?
Control and punishment, rather than rehabilitation
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Why do right realists criticise marxists?
Because marxists state that inequality causes crime, and note that old people are poor and dont commit crime
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What 3 factors do they believe in why people turn to crime?
Biological differences, socilaisation and rational choice theory.
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What does wilson note about biologicak differences?
That crime is caused by social and biological differences
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Why is this?
Because some people have personality traits such as agressiveness or risk taking which makes them more likely to commit a crime
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Who are the second theorists?
Murray and Hernstein
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What do they state?
That people with low intelligence levels are more likely to commit crimes
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Outline the ideas of socilisation
If people are effectively socialisd they are less likely to go out and commit crimes, because they know right from wrong and can control their actions
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What theorist is here?
Charles Murray
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What does he state?
That a section of society has become depedenant on the welfare system, so are not socialsiing their children to go out and work hard-- instead they fail to socilaise their children properly.
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Who does he believe causes this?
Single mothers
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Whats the rational choice theory?
The belief that criminals have the ability to make a choice and use power of reason.
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Who outlines this?
Ron Clarke
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What does the say?
That criminals weigh up the pros and cons of a crime before comitting it
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What do right realists believe are the four causes of crime?
Bio-social, cultural, opportunity and choice
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What do they suggest the 5 solutions to crime are?
CCTV, zero tolerance policing, 3 strike rule, more police officers on the streets and harsher punishments for offendors
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What are two strengths?
It provides policies and states why community control is so important
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What are two weaknesses?
It assumes crimnal make a rational choice decision and doesnt recognise or try and tackle the structural causes of crime.
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Card 2


What does wilson state about other sociologists?


That they spent too much time trying to discover the causes of crime, when they should have been dealing with it.

Card 3


So what ways does he believe are the most effective?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why do right realists criticise marxists?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 3 factors do they believe in why people turn to crime?


Preview of the front of card 5
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