Other questions in this quiz

2. 5 to the power of 4 add 5 to the power of 5

  • 70
  • 20
  • 5 to the power of 9
  • 6 to the power of 10

3. (x-3)(x-9)

  • x squared+6x-27
  • x squared-12x+27
  • x squared -6x-27
  • x cubed -7x+33

4. What would the nth term be for 3,7,11,15

  • 2n+3
  • 3n+15
  • 4n-1
  • 11n+2

5. Estimate 8.52 +7.12/7.6209

  • 5
  • 20
  • 2
  • 10


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