
  • Created by: moheggy
  • Created on: 24-05-21 16:19

Fractions and BIDMAS

Adding/Subtracting - Find common denominator.

Multiplying - Cancel any terms that you can on top or bottom lines, then multiply numerators together and the denominators together.

Dividing - Turn the fraction upside down and multiply.

  • Brackets
  • Indices
  • Division and Multiplication
  • Addition and Subtraction
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Area of a Trapezium - 1/2 (a+b)h 


Circumference of a circle - C= 2

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Expanding single and double brackets

Single brackets

4(2x - 1) = 8x-4

2x(5x-3b) = 10x2 - 6xb

Double Brackets






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Pythagorus' Theorum

Pythagorus' Theorum

'In a right-angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares other two sides.' 

Finding the Hypotenuse

a+b=shorter side.

hypotenuse is always opposite the right angle.

a+ b2 = c2

use pythagorus' theorum if it says sides

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Trigonometric Functions

the 3 trigonometric functions are sine, cosine and tangent (shortened to sin, cos and tan).

  • Hypotenuse - opposite the right angle
  • Opposite - opposite the angle
  • Adjacent - beside the angle

trigonometric ratios

sinθ = opposite/hypotenuse = o/h (soh-sin)

cosθ = adjacent/hypotenuse= a/h (cah-cos)

tanθ = opposite/adjacent= o/a (toa- tan)

use trigonometry if it says angle and sides

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