
when does aerobic respiration take place in animals and plants?
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what does the process of aerobic respiration use to release energy?
glucose and oxygen.
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what are produced as waste products of aerobic respiration?
carbon dioxide and water.
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Where do most of the chemical reactions of aerobic respiration take place?
The mitochondria and is controlled by enzymes.
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what is the equation for aerobic respiration?
glucose + oxygen > carbon dioxide + water + [energy]
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what may the energy released be used by the organism for?
-build larger molecules from small ones -enable muscle contraction in animals - maintain a constant body temperature in colder surroundings in mammals and birds -build sugars, nitrates and other nutrients into amino acids and proteins in plants.
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what do investigations involving aerobic respiration usually measure?
the volume of carbon dioxide produced.
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what is used to detect carbon dioxide?
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What colour does limewater turn when carbon dioxide is present?
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how do we know when carbon dioxide is being produced faster?
the limewater goes cloudy quicker.
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what can be monitored if germinating peas are left in a thermos flask?
the rise in temperature.
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why do muscles need more energy when you exercise?
so that they can contract.
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what do you need to increase during exercise?
the rate at which glucose and oxygen reach the muscle cells.
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what do you need to remove during exercise?
the extra waste which is carbon dioxide that is produced more quickly.
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what happens to the heart rate during exercise?
it increases.
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what happens to he blood vessels supplying the muscles during exercise? what does this allow?
They dilate to allow more blood containing oxygen and glucose to reach the muscles.
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what happens to the breathing rate and the depth of each breath during exercise? why?
they increase as it allows a greater uptake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
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what do muscles store glucose as?
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what can glycogen be converted back to? why?
glucose for use during exercise.
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when does anaerobic respiration take place?
when there is a lack of oxygen.
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what happens to the muscles when they are used over a long period of time?
they will get tired (fatigued) and stop contracting efficiently.
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when is lactic acid produced?
when the glucose is not completely broken down in anaerobic respiration.
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what is released less from the glucose in anaerobic respiration?
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what is a cause of muscle fatigue?
a build up of lactic acid.
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what removes lactic acid from the muscles?
blood flowing through it.
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why is anaerobic respiration inefficient?
because the breakdown of glucose is not completed.
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what does lactic acid cause?
muscle fatigue.
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what is oxygen debt?
it is when extra oxygen needed to help the complete breakdown of lactic acid.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the process of aerobic respiration use to release energy?


glucose and oxygen.

Card 3


what are produced as waste products of aerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where do most of the chemical reactions of aerobic respiration take place?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the equation for aerobic respiration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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