
  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 07-05-13 19:04
Aerobic Respiration
The process or releasing energy, using oxygen. goes on all the time in all cells (in the mitochondria) GLUCOSE + OXYGEN = CARBON DIOXIDE + WATER (+ENERGY)
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Reasons For Respiration
to build up long molecules from smaller ones, allows muscles to contract, maintaining constant body temperature
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Effects of Exercise
Increases heart rate (faster blood flow), increases breathing rate (more deeply fit the demand for more oxygen)
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glucose from food is stored as glycogen, each muscle has its own store, can be converted back during exercise.
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Anaerobic Respiration
releasing energy without oxygen, incomplete breakdown of glucose GLUCOSE = ENERGY + LACTIC ACID, not as effective and not nearly as much energy
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Oxygen Debt
Repaying the oxygen you didn't get to your muscles in time. keep breathing hard for a while to get oxygen into your blood
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Card 2


to build up long molecules from smaller ones, allows muscles to contract, maintaining constant body temperature


Reasons For Respiration

Card 3


Increases heart rate (faster blood flow), increases breathing rate (more deeply fit the demand for more oxygen)


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Card 4


glucose from food is stored as glycogen, each muscle has its own store, can be converted back during exercise.


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Card 5


releasing energy without oxygen, incomplete breakdown of glucose GLUCOSE = ENERGY + LACTIC ACID, not as effective and not nearly as much energy


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