
  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 16-10-16 12:31
whwre does aerobic respiration happen
1 of 25
where does anaerobic respiratin happen
in the cytoplasm
2 of 25
How many ATP molecules are produces for every glucose molecule respired
3 of 25
what is ATP
stored energy molecules
4 of 25
What is ATP generated by
the mitochondria
5 of 25
equation for aerobic respiration
glucose + oxygen + carbon dioxide + water + energy
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why is CO2 released in respiration
if it builds up in the blood it becomes acidic and enzymes denature
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why does the mitochondria have a folded inner membrane
there is a large surface area where enzymes which release cellular respiration are found so they can work to release energy
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reasons for respiration
1. build large molecules for new cell material eg nitrates and nutrients are built into amino acids which create proteins 2. all muscular activites 3. keep you body at a constant tempetature
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what is glycogen
many glucose molecules
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why do your muscles store glucose as the carbohydrate glycogen
it can be quickly converetd back to glucose during exercise which is used in aerobic respiration to provide energy to make your muscles contract
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how does your heart rate change during exercise
it increases because you need more blood to your muscles. this increases the oxygen and glucose supply and means more CO2 is removed
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what happens to your breathing rate during exercise
it increases and becomes deeper so there is more oxyen to be taken to your muscles
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how do you calculate percentage increase
(diffrenece divided by the original) times 100
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how is the energy released during respiration used
to enable the muscles to contract
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what happens when you use your muscles
you need more glucose and oxygen and produce more carbon dioxide
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what is the equation for anaerobic respiration
glucose = small amount of energy + lactic acd
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what is cramp
a build up of lactic acid i your muscles
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why do you get cramp
a lack of xygen to your muscles means they have to respire anaerobically
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how do you get rid of cramp
restore the blood supply to your muscles
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Whst is oxygen debt
the amount of oxygen needed to remove lactic acid built up during repiration by oxidation
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what is the equation for oxygen debt
lactic acid + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water
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why is lactic acid converted to carbon dioxie and water
we can get rid of it safely
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why do muscles become tired during exercise
they have to use anaerobic respiration which causes a build up of lactic acid
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why do blood vessels dilate during exercise
to allow more blood carryin g glucose and oxygen to get to the muscles for respiration and to remove more CO2
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


where does anaerobic respiratin happen


in the cytoplasm

Card 3


How many ATP molecules are produces for every glucose molecule respired


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is ATP


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is ATP generated by


Preview of the front of card 5
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