Lecture 1: Introduction to Reservoir Engineering

  • Created by: alisha
  • Created on: 14-05-17 16:46
How is API related to crude oil?
related to the density
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What does Yo, Po and Pw stand for?
Yo = Specific gravity of oil, Po = Density of oil and Pw = Density of water
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Name two important properties of crude oil that determines its worth?
Density and Sulphur content (highly corrosive)
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What is a reservoir?
A reservoir is a subsurface accumilation of hydrocarbons, containted in a porous or fractured rock, bounded by a barrier of impermeable rock (seal) above and usually an aquifer below
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Define porosity.
The measure of the storage capacity (pore volume) that is capable of holding fluids.
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How do you calculate porosity?
Pore Volume ÷ Bulk Volume
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Briefly explain grain packing.
Refers to the way the grains are oriented or packed with respect to each other
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Explain the impact of grain packing.
Well sorted (grains if one size) materials have a higher porosity than similarly sized poorly sorted materials (where smaller particles fill the gap)
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Define absolute porosity.
Absolute porosity is a measure of the total pore space both interconnected and non connected in a rock
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Define effective porosity.
represents a measure of the interconnected pore space only
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What is primary (original) porosity?
Porosity created in a rock when it originally formed during consolidation
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What is secondary (induced) porosity?
Porosity created in a rock following consolidation as a result of stress or fracture or faults.
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How can we find the bulk volume of a material?
We can find the bulk volume by using Archimedes method of displacement (using fluid)
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What is the equation to find grain volume?
GV = Mass of Dry Sample ÷ Matrix Density
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Explain all symbols: P1Vr = P2(Vr + Vs - Vg)
Vg = grain volume, Vs = volume in sample chamber, Vr = Volume in reference chamber, P1 = pressure before opening valve, P2 = pressure at equilibrium after valve has been opened
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equations to find overburden pressure
OB = FP + GP, OB = p + peff
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Yo, Po and Pw stand for?


Yo = Specific gravity of oil, Po = Density of oil and Pw = Density of water

Card 3


Name two important properties of crude oil that determines its worth?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a reservoir?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define porosity.


Preview of the front of card 5
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