Research Methods


1. This involves advertising for volunteers. Most people do not volunteer to take part in studies unless we actually approach and ask them. This therefore guarantees a unrepresentative sample

  • systematic sampling
  • self-selecting (volunteer) sampling
  • opportunity samplying
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2. When the IV is not under direct control of the experimenter and so occurs naturally

  • observation
  • natural experiment
  • artificial experiment
  • lab experiment

3. A number representing the degree or strength of relationship between two sets of measurements

  • ratio
  • correlation coefficient
  • concurrent
  • coincide

4. The exten to which we ca be sure our test or procedure measures the right things

  • Internal Validity
  • Concurrent Validity
  • Content Validity
  • Ecological Validity

5. Observing and recording behaviour without any interference

  • Lap experiment
  • Natural experiment
  • Non-Participants observation
  • Observation


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