Research Methods


1. A method where the observer does not attempt to manipulate any part of the situation and simply observers behaviour

  • Observation
  • Recording
  • Lab experiment
  • Natural experiment
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2. one group of participants researched in two or three conditions

  • observation
  • repeated measures design
  • standardised measures design

3. participants should be informed of the purpose of the investigations. It is not acceptable to lie about the nature of the study

  • right to withdraw
  • informed consent
  • deception
  • protection from harm

4. When results on a linear scale have equal divisions. The scale has no real zero

  • interval data
  • abstract data
  • ratio data
  • statistical data

5. This involves advertising for volunteers. Most people do not volunteer to take part in studies unless we actually approach and ask them. This therefore guarantees a unrepresentative sample

  • systematic sampling
  • self-selecting (volunteer) sampling
  • opportunity samplying


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