Research methods

  • Created by: Ems9
  • Created on: 05-04-19 16:47
a general statement which will be investigated
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a clear testable statement which identifies variables and their relationship
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directional hypothesis
states the direction of the difference or association between variables
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non-directional hypothesis
direction of variables is not stated
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anything that can be manipulated within a study
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independent variable
the variable that will be manipulated to measure the effect on the DV
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dependent variable
the variable that will be measured
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clearlydefining variables in terms of how they will be measured
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extraneous variable
unwanted varialbes (not IV) that need to be controlled so they dont affect the DV
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confounding variable
variable (not IV) which can affect the DV but cant be controlled
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demand characteristics
any cue from researcher or stufy which reveals the purpose of the study
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investigator effects
any effect the investigator has on the outcome of the study
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independent groups design
when each participant completes one condition
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repeated measures design
when each participant completes both conditions
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matched pairs design
participants are matched based on variables, one in pair will complete condition A while other completes B. results then directly compared
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for RMS, half will complete A then B, other half will complete B then A, reduce order effects
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laboratory experiement
in a controlled environment where the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on DV
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Field experiement
in a natural setting where the researcher manipulates the IV
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natural experiment
change in IV would have occured anyway, even if the researcher was not interested
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quasi experiment
IV is not determined by anyone, the variables simply exist
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a group of people who are the focus of the researchers interest
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group of people from population who take part in study
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random sample
everyoneis population has equal chance of being selected for sample
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systematic sample
where every nth member of a population is selected for sample
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stratified sample
compositionof sample reflects the proportions of groups within the population
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opportunity sample
anyone who is willing and available from population
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volunteer sample
participants select themselves for the study
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where certain groups are over/under represented within a sample
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the extent to which findings can be broadly applied to a population
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ethical issues
informed consent, right to withdraw, deception, protection from harm and privacy + confidentiality
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types of consent
retrospective consent, prior general consent, presumptive consent
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pilot study
small scale study to test aim procedure and allow for changes before actual study
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single blind procedure
participant doesnt know which condition they are in but the researcher does
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double blind procedure
both the participant and researcher dont know which conditions which
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naturalistic observation
observing behaviour where it would usually occur
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controlled observation
observing behaviour within a structured environment
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covert observation
participants dont know they are being observed
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overt observation
participants do know they are being observed
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participant observation
researcher becomes member of the group being observed
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non-participant observation
researcher remains outside of the group being observed
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unstructured observation
write down everything the observ
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structured observation
only record behaviour that has been pre-determined
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time sampling
identify target individual/group, record all behaviour within a set time
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event sampling
target behaviour/event identified, record each time the behaviour occurs
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preset list of written questions that a participant responds to
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open questions
no set responses, free to answer how they want
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closed questions
must respond from one of a set number of fixed responses
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structured interview
pre-determined set of questions that are asked in a set order
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unstrucutred interview
no set questions, conversation lke
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positive corelation
as one varialbe increases so does the other
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negative correlation
as one variable increases the other decreases
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variables investigated within a correlation
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qualitative data
data expressed in words
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quantitative data
data expressed in numerical form
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primary data
original data which has been collected specifically collected for that investigation
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secondary data
data collected by someone else for another investigation
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meta analysis
process of combining results from a number of studies on a particular topic to give an overall view
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descriptive statistics
use of graphs, tables and summary stats to identify trends
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sign test
used to analyse the difference in scores between related data in nominal form
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factors to work out critical value
level of significance, number of participants and type of hypothesis
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peer review
assessment of scientific work by others who are specialists in the field to ensure the research is of high quality
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case study
indepth investigation/description of individual, group, event
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content analysis
indirect study of behaviour by examining communications people produce
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thematic analysis
inductive and qualitative approach to anaylsis, identify implicit/explicit ideas within data
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extnt to which findings are consistent
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test-retest reliabilty
way to assess reliabilty by assessing the same person on two seperate occations
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inter-observer reliability
extent to which there is agreement between two or more researchers in the observationof behaviour
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whether something is real or just the outcome of a study
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internal validity
the extent to which the researcher is measuring what was intended
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external validity
the degree to which research findings can be generalsied
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face validity
whether it appears to measure what was intended
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concurrent validity
extent to which a psychological measure relates to an existing similar measure
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ecological validity
extent to which findings can be generalsied to other settings
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temporal validity
extent to which findings can be generalised to other historical times
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how to improve validity
use of control groups, standardising procedures, lie scale on questionnaires
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correlation, nominal data and unrelated design
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difference, ordinal data, unrelated design
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pearsons r
correlation, interval data
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related t test
difference, interval data, related design
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spearmans rho
correlation, ordinal data
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unrelated t test
difference, interval data, unrelated design
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difference, ordinal data, related design
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rule of r
if the stats name has an r in it, the calcualted value must be more than or equal to critical value to be significant
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type I error
incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis
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type II error
acceptance of a false null hypothesis
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paradigm shift
result of scientific revolution, significant change in the dominant theory
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extent to which scientific procedures and findings can be repeated by other researchers
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principle that a theory cannot be considered scientific unless it admits the possibilty of being proved untrue
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Other cards in this set

Card 2




a clear testable statement which identifies variables and their relationship

Card 3


directional hypothesis


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


non-directional hypothesis


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5
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