Research Design

  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 08-06-22 14:04
What affects what a sociologist will want to study?
Their theoretical viewpoint (e.g a Marxist would want to study social class inequalities in society)
1 of 8
Give two other factors (unrelated to the researcher or funding) that affect what gets researched?
-Societal values (e.g feminism during the 1960s saw more research on gender equality)
-Practical factors (accessiblity to insight/samples may become barriers to research)
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How do funding bodies such as the Economic and Social Research Council influence what gets researched?
Funding bodies may state what they want to be researched and only cover the costs for topics they want to fund
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What are the six steps in producing a piece of sociological research?
1) Formulating an aim or a hypothesis
2) Choosing a method
3) Operationalisng
4) Pilot Study
5) Data Collection
6) Publish findings
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What would influence whether or not a sociologist would formulate an aim or a hypothesis?
Positivists prefer using hypotheses as they can be proven/disproven by their data and are more scientific. Interpretivists prefer aims as they let the participants guide the research more.
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How are concepts operationalised?
Breaking down the initial aim/hypothesis to figure out how best to measure it. (e.g how to mesure the concept of social class)
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What is a pilot study?
Small draft version of the research project done with a small sample to test that it works properly
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How do sociologists publish their findings after collecting their data?
They come to a conclusion after interpreting and analysing their data which they then publish alongside detailing the research process itself.
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Card 2


Give two other factors (unrelated to the researcher or funding) that affect what gets researched?


-Societal values (e.g feminism during the 1960s saw more research on gender equality)
-Practical factors (accessiblity to insight/samples may become barriers to research)

Card 3


How do funding bodies such as the Economic and Social Research Council influence what gets researched?


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Card 4


What are the six steps in producing a piece of sociological research?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What would influence whether or not a sociologist would formulate an aim or a hypothesis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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