Other questions in this quiz

2. what were the effects of the fire?

  • Hitler turned to eating chocolate digestives
  • Hitler ordered that communist leader's houses to be burnt.
  • Hitler said the fire was a communist conspiracy and he persuaded Hindenburg to declare a state of emergeancy where he could legally use decrees to govern Germany.
  • there was riots and protesting against the communists.

3. what was the effect of the enabling act?

  • Germany became a totalitarian state
  • Hitler could buy as many ice creams as he wanted
  • Hitler could kill all the communists.

4. what was the effect of the death of Hindenburg?

  • Hitler combined the powers of chancellor and president to become the Fuhrer.
  • thousands of people mourned the war hero.
  • germany lost a solid trustworthy man.

5. when did Hindenburg die?

  • december 1933
  • august 1934
  • october 1934
  • november 1934


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