Religious Studies

What does the word prejudice mean?
Prejudging a person or group before you've met them
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What does the word discrimination mean?
To treat someone differently or unfairly because of the colour of their skin or gender etc.
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What does the word equality mean?
People are treated with the same value and worth
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What does the word justice mean?
Fairness, everyone has the same rights
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What does the word community mean?
A group of people e.g.. from the same country or religion
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What does the word scapegoat mean?
Where a group is blamed for problems faced by others (e.g. unemployment, financial hardship)
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What does the word stereotype mean?
Crude idea or image which is inaccurately applied to a whole group
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What are the four causes of prejudice?
Fear, Ignorance, Upbringing, Bad Experience
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Who was Martin Luther King?
Black American Baptist Minister who fought black segregation
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What did Martin Luther King believe?
Colour should not affect your rights
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Who influenced Martin Luther King?
Gandhi- specifically his non-violent approach, Jesus- his teaching of non-retaliation
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What was Martin Luther King's famous speech called and what did it outline?
It was the speech which began 'I have a dream...' and stated that everyone should be seen as equals and not to be judged by the colour of their skin
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In 1955, what did Martin Luther King organise?
A bus boycott to end segregation
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In 1957, what did Martin Luther King take part in?
Took part in marches, boycotts and sit-ins as part of his non-violent direct action
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In 1963, what did Martin Luther King protest for?
Poor education of black children
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Who's support did Martin Luther King receive?
Support of the president
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What happened to Martin Luther King in 1968?
He was assassinated by a white man
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What things happened as a result of Martin Luther King?
Segregation became illegal, black and white people have equal civil rights, in 2008 the first black President was elected
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Who was Gandhi?
He was a man who campaigned for the rights of his people to rule themselves, be treated fairly and to treat their own people fairly
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When was Gandhi born and what was happening at that time?
In 1869, when India was part of the British empire
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the word discrimination mean?


To treat someone differently or unfairly because of the colour of their skin or gender etc.

Card 3


What does the word equality mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the word justice mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the word community mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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