Religious experience

  • Created by: 11rsims
  • Created on: 16-05-17 10:04
What types of conversion did James believe there was?
From no belief to belief and deepening existing belief
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What did he believe was a proof of God?
A change in character following an experience was proof of the existence of god as experiences are "the feeling, acts and experiences of individual men"
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What 4 descriptions did he use to sum up religious experience?
passivity= own will its taken in to the grips of God, Ineffability= It cannot be described through words, Noetic=States of knowledge, Transiency= cannot be sustained for long
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What did William Alston believe?
He believed that somthing is real if it has real effects, experiences are non-sensory and God is spiritual so cannot affect people physically
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What did otto believe?
He argued for numinous experiences saying that God is transendent so he can only affect people ny filling us with a sense of wonder called "Mysterium tremendium"
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What did swinburne believe?
he believes that experiences help prove the existence of God and the prior probability argument shows that the probability of the existence of God is higher than that of UFO's
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What were the two types of experiences?
Public experiences= experiences of the beauty of creation or Jesus walking on water, Private experiences=describable using everyday language and others which are ineffible
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What is Swinburnes principle of credulity and principle of testimony?
Principle of credulity=normally experience is very reliable so we should trust it, Principle of Testimony= Usually people tell the truth so it is reasonable to believe what people tell you
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What did wainwright believe?
we should only not believe someones religious experience if there is proof of a non-existant God, Reasons for believing claims are inconsistant, experience is produced by something known to cause delusion
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What did Martin Buber believe?
He spoke of "I-thou"nexperiences as they are personal one-to-one conversations with God
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What did Hume believe?
expriences only happened in barborous nations, no religious experience was witnessed by a large group of educated men, there could be other explinations of good, People love the weird so are too willing to believe experiences came from God
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What was Hume's conflicting claims argument?
It claims that if two different religions claim to have experience in their name it cancels both of them out.
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What did Freud believe?
RE could be explained by psychology, as RE is a reaction to the hostile world, we seek a father figure which is god as he can provide us security. This is called the Oepidus complex where we try to find a replacement father figure.
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How did Michael Palmer and Paul Vitz critisise Freud?
Michael Palmer= asks how the oepidus complex can apply to religions with multiple God's, Paul Vitz= Aethiests are simply rejecting their father figure
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What four images did Marx put foward to enforce his argument?
Humans are in flower covered chains as religion opresses us even if it seems to comfort us, religion is a false sun as it appears to give us clarity but it does not, religion is the opium of the people, it is a sign of the oppressed
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What did Marx believe?
He put foward the sociological argument stating that religion is merely a way to opress and alienate the lower classes.
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What did Edwin Starbuck argue?
Relgious experiences are often down to social pressures
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What did Russell believe?
A person can be effected by the story about a great hero but it doesnt make the story true, a belief which has a good effect upon is no evidence whatsoever in favour of the truth
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What was Flews analogy of the leaky buckets?
Arguments for God create a bucket, but the flaws of all these arguments puts holes in the buckets, it is pointless trying to fill these buckets if it has holes in them
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did he believe was a proof of God?


A change in character following an experience was proof of the existence of god as experiences are "the feeling, acts and experiences of individual men"

Card 3


What 4 descriptions did he use to sum up religious experience?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did William Alston believe?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did otto believe?


Preview of the front of card 5
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