religion peace & justice

what is the just war theory?
The rules that determine whether or not a war is just or fair. For example, ensuring that the proper authority of a country begins the war or protecting civilians. Covers before, during and after a war.
1 of 10
what is holy war?
A holy war is a war fought in the name of religion (to defend a religion).
2 of 10
what is Pacifism?
Pacifism is the belief that violence is wrong. Pacifists with disagree with fighting in a war.
3 of 10
which group/denomination of christians are usually pacifists?
4 of 10
5. What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament views about violence?
The Old Testament condones the use of violence e.g. ‘an eye for an eye’, whereas the New Testament teaches that people should forgive others e.g. ‘turn the other cheek’
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Does Jesus ever get angry in the Bible?
Yes. For example, when Jesus curses a fig tree for not giving him fruit and when he sees traders in the Temple.
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Name 2 aims of punishment.
The four aims of punishment are deterrence, retribution, reform, protection
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Who was Elizabeth Fry?
A Quaker who worked to improve prison conditions.
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Why might a Christian be against capital punishment?
There are several reasons why a Christian might be against capital punishment e.g. Jesus taught people to forgive, it involves humans playing God (only God has the right to take a life), it goes against the commandment which says ‘you shall not murde
9 of 10
Who was Oscar Romero and how does he link to this module?
Oscar Romero was Archbishop of El Salvador, and he worked to combat social injustice.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is holy war?


A holy war is a war fought in the name of religion (to defend a religion).

Card 3


what is Pacifism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


which group/denomination of christians are usually pacifists?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5. What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament views about violence?


Preview of the front of card 5
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