Religion and medical ethics - glossary

Artificial insemination by donor
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Artificial insemination by husband
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Making an exact replica
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natural or artificial means to reduce the likelihood of a pregnancy occuring
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The 1st collection of cells that develops in the womb when a woman becomes pregnant
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A gentle or easy death; helping someone to die
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The growing baby in the womb
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Someone unable to conceive naturally. For a woman, this occurs because she does not ovulate (produce eggs). A man is infertile if he does not produce healthy sperm.
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Involuntary euthanasia
when other people decide that it would be for the best if someone’s life ends, because she or he is not able to make that decision independently
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(in vitro fertilisation) when sperm and an egg are put together in a tube until an embryo is formed which is then transferred into a woman’s womb.
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A place where terminally ill patients are cared for
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When a baby is aborted through natural causes
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Medical research
Scientific experiments carried out to help cure disease
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Palliative care
the care given to a terminally ill patient to help them to die in as much comfort as possible
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A condition in which patients with severe brain damage have progressed from a state of coma to a state of ‘wakefulness without awareness’.
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Believing that a woman has the right to choose whether to go ahead with a pregnancy or not, on the basis of her circumstances
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Opposed to abortion and believing that all human life should be protected, even before birth.
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Reproductive cloning
Cloning which creates offspring.
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Sanctity of life
believing that all life is holy because it is created by God
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Stem cells
Single cells which have the potential to be ‘reprogrammed’ to develop into any type of cell in the body.
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The non-physical part of a person which may go to heaven when the person dies
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The act of deliberately killing yourself
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the deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the uterus
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Therapeutic cloning
a medical procedure where single cells are taken from a person or embryo and ‘reprogrammed’ to create stem cells which can be used in medical treatment.
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Voluntary euthanasia
when someone asks for the end of his or her life but is unable to commit suicide without help
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Card 2


Artificial insemination by husband



Card 3


Making an exact replica


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Card 4


natural or artificial means to reduce the likelihood of a pregnancy occuring


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Card 5


The 1st collection of cells that develops in the womb when a woman becomes pregnant


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