
What is refrigeration?
Work is transferred into heat and heat is transferred from cold object to a hot object.
1 of 17
Define the Coefficient of performance
COP = |q_cold|/|w|
2 of 17
Give an equation for maximum coefficient of performance
COP = |q_cold|/|w_min| = T_cold/T_hot -T_cold
3 of 17
What is free energy?
The remaining energy stored in matter that is accessible. (G/A)
4 of 17
Give the key equation for Gibbs free energy and when is it valid?
G =H -TS (constant pressure systems)
5 of 17
Give the key equation for Helmholtz free energy and when is it valid?
A = U -TS (constant volume systems)
6 of 17
What is the key equation involving U,T,S,P.V ?
dU =TdS -PdV
7 of 17
What is the key equation involving A,T,S,P.V ?
dA = -SdT -PdV
8 of 17
What is the key equation involving H,T,S,P.V ?
dH =TdS +VdP
9 of 17
How is Gibbs free energy modelled when T is constant?
(∂G/∂P)_T = V ] from dG =Vdp -SdT
10 of 17
How is Gibbs free energy modelled when P is constant?
(∂G/∂T)_P = -S ] from dG =Vdp -SdT
11 of 17
Define chemical potential
The work required to add a particle of a substance to another.
12 of 17
Give an equation for chemical potential.
μ_i = (∂G/∂n_i)_P,T,n_j [for pure substance μ=G_m --> molar Gibbs function]
13 of 17
Describe free energy
The driving force to equilibrium,tells us what can happen.
14 of 17
What is a meta-stable state?
A stste that is long-lived but not the most stable thermodynamically (local minimum)
15 of 17
What is Hess's law as applied to Gibbs free energy?
Δ_r*G。 = Σ v_i Δ_f*G_i。
16 of 17
What is the free energy from undercooling?
ΔG = (T_fus -T) * L/T_fus ] where L = ΔH=Δ_fus*H
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define the Coefficient of performance


COP = |q_cold|/|w|

Card 3


Give an equation for maximum coefficient of performance


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is free energy?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give the key equation for Gibbs free energy and when is it valid?


Preview of the front of card 5
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