
  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 09-06-22 14:13
What is a referendum?
Usually a yes/no response from the public over decisions of national importance or constitutional change. Government may need public support.
1 of 10
Why did pressure result in David Cameron calling a referendum?
Pressure to not lose votes to UKIP and to appease the pressure to hold a referendum saw D.C promise the Brexit Rerendum in 2016 provided the Conservatives were re-elected in 2015
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What was the result of the EU Referendum 2016?
51.9% leavers, 48.1% remainers
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Give an example of a referendum that was a result of a deal between two political parties
2011 AV Referendum which saw 67.9% vote to keep FPTP (created by 2010 Coaltion Government)
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Give three positives of referendums
-Provide political education/engagement
-Provide clear outcomes
-Give voters direct power on decisions (easier to hold government to account)
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Give two examples as to why referendums have increased political engagement
-81% turnout in 1998 Good Friday Agreement
-84.6% turnout in 2014 Scottish Independence
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Give five negatives to referendums
-Challenge Parliamentary sovereignty
-Can be manipulated
-UK often has low participation/turnout
-Governments time them for political reasons
-Other factors besides the issue itself can influence outcomes
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Why would referendums challenging Parliamentary sovereignty a bad thing?
MPs have the expertise and knowledge to rationally vote on complex issues that the public don't fully understand (e.g Brexit)
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How can referendums be manipulated by phrasing?
The phrasing can benefit one side. For example the EU Referendum was changed from yes/no to remain/leave because it benefitted the 'yes' side
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Give two other ways in which referendums could be manipulated
-The media or influential political figures
-Voters voting with their emotions and not considering all options
10 of 10

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Card 2


Why did pressure result in David Cameron calling a referendum?


Pressure to not lose votes to UKIP and to appease the pressure to hold a referendum saw D.C promise the Brexit Rerendum in 2016 provided the Conservatives were re-elected in 2015

Card 3


What was the result of the EU Referendum 2016?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give an example of a referendum that was a result of a deal between two political parties


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give three positives of referendums


Preview of the front of card 5
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