Realism and Crime

Left realism and Crime
1 of 105
What do left realists see as a cause of crime and inequality ?
capitalist society
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When are they reformist not revolutionary socialists?
Believe in gradual change to bring a crime free society eg. nationalisation
3 of 105
What type of problem do they see crime as and what group do they believe is effects the most?
Serious, disadvantaged groups
4 of 105
What 3 theories do they belong don't take crime seriously left realists believe ?
Marxists, Neo-marxists and labelling theoridts
5 of 105
Why do they believe marxists don't see crime as a serious problem?
Because they concentrate on corporate core and not W/C crime and its effects
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Why do they believe Neo-marxists don't take crime seriously (romantic)?
they romantice W/C criminalises as 'Robin hoods' when they mostly victimise other W/C
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Why do the believe Labelling theorists don't take crime seriously (who do they ignore)?
See criminals as a victim of labelling but ignore the real victims of crime
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What do they believe has happened since the 50's ?
Been an increase in forms
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Left realist causes if crime (3)
Relative deprivation, subculture, marginalisation
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What 2 theories believe crime has its roots in relative deprivation?
Lea and Young (1984)
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What is relative deprivation?
How deprived someone feels in relation to others or their own expectations
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What does Runciman (1966) believe crime occurs when ?
People feel resentful towards others because they have more then them and want the same
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What do lea and young claim about crime today?
society is crime-ridden but, more prosperous todat
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What do they claim about media and advertising?
the media and advertixing nskes people more aware of goods they cannot afford so turn to crime
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However, why is it too deterministic?
Relative deprivation is experienced by some who don't commit a crime
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Why do left realists make crime seem a bigger issue and is unrepresentative?
Over predicts the amount of W/C crime by focusing on crime in inner-city areas
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What is left relists cause of crime being subcultures similar to?
Merton's strain theory and subcultural theories
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Why do left realists believe people turn to crime and join deviant subcultures?
Want to achieve mainstream goals but opportunities are blocked
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What do left realists believe about subcultures and relative deprivation?
That subcultures are a group collective solution to relative deprivation
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How do young men who join subcultures releive feelings of deprivation?
turn to utilitiarian and non-utilitarian crime
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Who gives the example of USA Gheetos and the American dream to support the view subcultures?
Young (2002)
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Explain Youngs view of ghettos and american dream?
USA ghetto fully believe in the American dream even though these opportunities are legitimately blocked so turn to street crime
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However, what do to left realsits assum if they belvie in subcultures?
assume a value consensus exists and only exsists when this breaks down eg. not everyone shares the idea that should succed in education
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Why do marginalised groups feel frustrated and powerless?
because they face unfair stimigisation
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What do marginalised groups have in terms of goals?
Different goals
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Unlike workers with trade unions what do marginalsied groups not have?
have no organisation to represent them
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thus, what to they resort to (example, unemployed youths)?
violence to achieve mainstream goals
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Who beliveds black communties are marginalised in terms of poverty, hoursing and education ?(GM)
Gibbs and Merigni (1994)
29 of 105
Why do Gibbs and Merigni believe this makes black communities turn to crime?
Because ti produces anger and frustration
30 of 105
However, what do interactionalist argue left realists rely on from victim surveys ?
Quantitative data when suggesting the cause of crime to understand the motives we require qualitative data
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Left realists soultions to crime (2)
Democratic and accountable policing, reducing inequality
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What 3 sociolgists belive the polcice should become more accountable ?
Kinsey, lea, and young (1986)
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What do Kinsey, lea, and young (1986) argue about the police and public?
The public mist become more invloved in determining police prorities and polcing style
34 of 105
Give a reason why left realists believe the public is losing support?
investigations into crime take too long so the flow of information dries up
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What 2 types of polcing do Left relaists believe sill increase trust and support?
Democratic and accountable
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What type of apporch do left relaists belive there needs to be to control crime instead of just the police alone?
a multi-agency approch (local council schools)
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What do left realists believe the underlying cause of crime is?
Social inequality
38 of 105
Who do left relaists feel the government has been influenced by?
Right realist views
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What type of chnages in society do they argue need to happen on society to deal with inequality of oppourtunity ?
structural changes
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For example, what types of policies would ensure all youths have a reduce chance of offending?
policies for unemployed youths
41 of 105
However, why do Marxists argue left realists are naïve ?
Because they assume the police can be accountable
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Why do Marxists assume this?
Because the key role of police is to support capitalism
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What type of labor force is unlikely to reduce inequality ?
a conservative labor force
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Late modernity
45 of 105
What does Young believe the cuases of crime and the growing rates of crime are due to ?
changes within society
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What 3 characteristics does young give to a late modern society (he believes we live in it) ?
Unstable, unsecure, excludes
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Provide an example of the late modern society being unstable?
high unemployment
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What groups of people do a late modern society exclude?
W/C ethnic minorities
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Before, what does Young argue we lived in ?
A golden age
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What does young characterise the golden age as?
Stability, secuitry, inclusiion
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Provide examples
Low divorce rates, the fair welfare state, and low unemployment
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In the 70's, how did the media increase insecuirty and exclusion ?
by promoting consumerism and worship around a celeb and monetary success culture
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Why does late modernity cuase more crime?
desire to binge on a materialistic world created more marginalization so drives people towards crime
54 of 105
However, why do right relaists diagree?
there needs to be more emphasis on punishment and those who commit crime
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Right realism theories of crime and deviance
56 of 105
Right realism background
Recognise that crime and deviance is a real and growing problem
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What do right realists views of crime link closely with ?
the conservative governments of 70's and 80's
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What do they argue interactionalists are towards crime?
are too sympathetic towards criminals and are to blameful towards law and order forces
59 of 105
What are Right realists less concerned with ?
The causes of crime
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What are right realists more concerned with ?
Providing realistic solutions
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Give 3 things do right realists believe crime destroys?
communities, undermines social cohesion, societies work ethic
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Right realists causes of Crime (3)
Biological differences, socialisation of the underclass, rational choice
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Biological differences
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Who believes that the main cause of Crome is low intelligence ?
herrnstein and Murry (1994)
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What do Wilson and Herrnstein believe?
Crime is caused by a combination of biological and social factors
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What are the 3 personality trait of people that are more biologically predisposed to commit crime than others?(4)
More aggressive, extroverted, risk taking and low impulse control
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However, who criticises it and believes that right realists over emphasis biological differences ?
Lily (2002)
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What percentage do IQ differences in offending account for?
less than 3%
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Socialisation of the underclass
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Who argues that crime rates are increasing because of a growing underclass?
Charles Murray (1990)
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What are the underclass defined by ?
Their deviant behaviour and failure to socialise their children properly
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Why does Murray believe the underclass is growing?
families socialise the next generation to be dependent on state benefits
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Why does Murray believe loan parent families are harmful particular to boys ?
Because boys lack discipline and a male role model
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Thus, why are boys form LPF socialised into crime?
find a delinquent role model and gain status through crime
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thus, what does Murray believe the best agency of socialisation is?
nuclear family
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However, provide an example of the real causes of crime that right realists ignore?
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What are not generous ?
Welfare payments in the UK
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What types of crime does the socialistic of the underclass not explain?
Crime is committed by R/C like Corporate crime
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Rational Choice
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What do individuals have?
free will and power of reason
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Who argues crime is based on rational choice and based on rational calculation of likely consequences ?
Clarke (1980)
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Describe 'based on rational calculation of the likely consequences?
If the reward outweighs the costs, people are likely to offend
83 of 105
Thus why do right realists believe that crime had increased ?
Because the perceived cost of crime are low
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Who argues this is because of low quality policing, weak community control and punishments are lenient?
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What does Fallen mean by this?
less chance of being caught and ordinary people won't speak out
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However, why does the theory contradict itself?
Can't freely choose Crime but biological and socialisation but then they have a rational choice
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What type of crime do they they not explain ?
utilitarian crimes like impulse or violent crime
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Right realists solutions (2)
Believe the best way to tackle crime is to make it less attractive. Crime policies focus on crime prevention policies rather than rehabilitation
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What are the 2 solutions ?
Zero tolerance policing and Target Hardening
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Who believes it is essential to maintain the orderly character of neighbourhoods to prevent crime taking place and hold?
Wilson and Kelling (1982)
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What types of undesirable behaviour do right realists advocate zero tolerance policing towards?
prostitution , beginning, drunkenness
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What do they believe the police should focus on controlling ?
the public
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however, when was Zero tolerance policing first introduced and where?
New York 1994
94 of 105
Who belies that NY crime rate was not falling ?
Young (2011)
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Why does he argue its success was a myth ?
because it was peddled by podlike and politicians
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In facts when dd the new York crime rate begin falling?
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What dod the police do that made further arrests appear like zero tolerance was working and the police was cracking down on it?
'Defining deviance up'
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Target hardening
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What 3 things do right realists believe more is needed?
surveillance, prosecutions and punishments
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What do they believe in particular will maximise deterrent effects?
greater use of prison, and ensuing punishment follows soon after the offense
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However, what does target hardening lead to instead?
the displacement of crime into other areas
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What doesn't It tackle (the real causes of crime)?
103 of 105
What does zero tolerance and target hardening give free reign for the police to do?
104 of 105
What does zero tolerance lead to in terms of corporate crime?
It to be ignored because the police are pre-occupied with corporate crime
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do left realists see as a cause of crime and inequality ?


capitalist society

Card 3


When are they reformist not revolutionary socialists?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of problem do they see crime as and what group do they believe is effects the most?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 3 theories do they belong don't take crime seriously left realists believe ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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