Ratio and porportion

  • Created by: Nadia
  • Created on: 05-09-12 21:48
In a school, the ratio of the number of students to the number of computers is 1 : 2/5. If there are 100 computers in the school, work out the number of students in the school.
1 of 5
Three women won a total of £360. They shared the money in the ratio 7 : 3 : 2. Trisha received the largest amount. Work out the amount Trisha received.
2 of 5
Jean and Kevin Shared £320 in the ration 3 : 5. Jean gave one 1/3 of her share to Micheal. Kevin gave 1/2 of his share to Micheal. What fraction of the original amount of money did Micheal receive? Give your fraction in its simplest form.
3 of 5
Ben buys 17 cakes for £12.75. Work out the cost of 6 of these cakes.
4 of 5
Susan bought a coat for €132 in France.The exchange rate was £1- €1.10. Work out the cost of the coat in pounds.
5 of 5

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Card 2


Three women won a total of £360. They shared the money in the ratio 7 : 3 : 2. Trisha received the largest amount. Work out the amount Trisha received.



Card 3


Jean and Kevin Shared £320 in the ration 3 : 5. Jean gave one 1/3 of her share to Micheal. Kevin gave 1/2 of his share to Micheal. What fraction of the original amount of money did Micheal receive? Give your fraction in its simplest form.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Ben buys 17 cakes for £12.75. Work out the cost of 6 of these cakes.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Susan bought a coat for €132 in France.The exchange rate was £1- €1.10. Work out the cost of the coat in pounds.


Preview of the front of card 5


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