Rates Of Reaction Revision

  • Created by: falloutem
  • Created on: 27-01-15 20:41
the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with t)
1 of 17
the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with ca)
2 of 17
the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with co)
3 of 17
the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with s)
surface area
4 of 17
concentration for gases
5 of 17
if the line on the graph has a very steep slope, the reaction was very
6 of 17
rate of reaction = amount of _____ used / time
7 of 17
rate of reaction = amount of _______ formed / time
8 of 17
the product of a reaction that clouds the solution, a way of measuring the rate of reaction
9 of 17
a way of measuring the rate of reaction using a gas syringe
volume of gas given off
10 of 17
explains rates of reactions
collision theory
11 of 17
more ______ increases the rate of reactions
12 of 17
higher (t________________) increases collisions
13 of 17
higher (c_______________) increases collisions
14 of 17
larger (s________________) increases collisions
surface area
15 of 17
minimum amount of energy needed to carry out the reaction
activation energy
16 of 17
a substance which speeds up a reaction, without being changed or used up in the reaction
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with ca)



Card 3


the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with co)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with s)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


concentration for gases


Preview of the front of card 5
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