Rates of Reaction (Summarised)

  • Created by: Pilot94
  • Created on: 03-03-23 19:31
Rate of reaction is...
how fast or slow a reaction happens
1 of 15
the equation is...
amount of reactant used or product formed
2 of 15
what are the 3 experiments
volume of gas produced
change in mass
3 of 15
explain the precipitation exiperment
insoluable solid formed from two soluable reactants. Then measure the time taken for cross or mark to dissapear due to precipatate
4 of 15
explain how you would set up the precipitation expirement
draw a cross on a piece of paper and put the conical flask on top. Place the soluable reactants inside and use a timer to measure the time taken for the cross to dissapear due to the precipate
5 of 15
explain the volume of gas produced experiment
measure the volume of gas given off in a certain amount of time
6 of 15
explain how you would set up the volume of gas produced experiment
put one of the reactants into a conical flask, put the other in and start the timer while quickly placing the bung in with the syringe attached. At even intervals such as every 20s, use the syringe to measure the amount of gas produced
7 of 15
explain the change in mass experiment
measure the time until mass no longer changes
8 of 15
explain how you would set up the change in mass experiment
place the conical flask on a mass balance and make sure it is at 0. Place the reactants inside and take the first measurement while placing a bung to make sure nothing escapes. Take measurements at even intervals of time (every 20s) and take the average
9 of 15
Factors affecting rate. What are they?
surface area
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What does temperture do to the reaction
as the temperture is increased, the rate increases too as the particles have more energy.
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What does concentration/pressure do to the reaction
As the pressure/concentration increases, so does the rate as the particles are closer together
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What does surface area do to the reaction
increasing the surface area increases the rate of the reaction as there is more area to be reacted with
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what does a catalyst do to the reaction
it speeds up the reaction without being used up itself, it speeds up the reaction by providing an alternate reaction pathway with a LOWER activation energy which means that more particles have suffient energy to undergo sucesful collisions
14 of 15
How do you calculate rate
rate = gradient
gradient = change in y/change in x
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


the equation is...


amount of reactant used or product formed

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what are the 3 experiments


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


explain the precipitation exiperment


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


explain how you would set up the precipitation expirement


Preview of the front of card 5
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