Rates of Reaction

What affects the rate of reaction?
Temperature, Concentration, Pressure, Surface Area and Catalysts
1 of 8
How does increasing the temperature affect the rate of reaction?
It increases the rate of reaction by making the particles collide more frequently and with more energy.
2 of 8
How does increasing the concentration affect the rate of reaction?
It increases the rate of reaction as there are more particles in the same volume, meaning they will collide more often.
3 of 8
How does increasing the surface area affect the rate of reaction?
The rate of reaction increases as there is a larger area for the particles to collide with, therefore increasing the frequency.
4 of 8
Why would a catalyst be used in a reaction?
It decreases the activation energy needed in the reaction, which makes it cheaper. The catalyst is not a part of the reaction as it isn't used up, meaning it can be used multiple times.
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How can you measure the rate of reaction?
Watching for a colour change, measuring the change in mass or the volume of gas given off.
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What is a down side of observing the color change when measuring the rate of reaction?
The time of when the colour changes can be subjective, therefore the results are less accurate. The colour change cannot be used to plot a rate of reaction graph from the results.
7 of 8
Which method of measuring the rate of reaction is most effecive?
Measuring the change in mass
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does increasing the temperature affect the rate of reaction?


It increases the rate of reaction by making the particles collide more frequently and with more energy.

Card 3


How does increasing the concentration affect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does increasing the surface area affect the rate of reaction?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why would a catalyst be used in a reaction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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