Chemistry topic 6

  • Created by: dbearne
  • Created on: 06-03-18 17:48
What is the rate of a chemical reaction?
How fast the reactants are changed into products
1 of 25
Give an example of a slow reaction
Rusting of iron
2 of 25
Give an example of a moderate speed reaction
Metal magnesium with an acid to produce bubbles
3 of 25
Give an example of a fast reaction
Burning and explosions
4 of 25
What does a steep line mean on a rate of reaction graph mean?
A fast reaction-quickest reactions have the steepest line and become flat in the least time
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What do flat lines show on a rate of reaction graph?
That the reaction has finished
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What must happen for particles to react?
They must collide with enough energy
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What 4 things does the rate of reaction depend on?
Temperature, surface area, the concentration of a solution or the pressure of gas and the presence of a catalyst
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How is the rate of reaction increased?
More collisions of reacting particles, increasing the concentration or pressure, increasing the surface area and using a catalyst
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What is the formula for the rate of reaction?
Rate of reaction=Amount of reactant used or amount of product formed/time
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How can the rate of reaction be worked out through precipitation and colour change?
Place a flask of a clear solution on top of a piece of paper with a mark drawn on it. Start the reaction and record the time taken for the colour to change enough for the mark to disappear when looking through the liquid
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How can the rate of reaction be worked out through change in mass?
Put a flask with a solution on a mass balance. Start a reaction that gives off a gas and record the mass at regular intervals as it changes
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How can the rate of reaction be worked out through the volume of gas given off?
Start a reaction in a flask and immediately connect it to a glass syringe to measure the volume of gas given off. The more gas given off during a given time interval, the faster the reaction
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How do you calculate mean reaction rate from a graph?
Change in Y/change in X- the gradient
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How do you find the reaction rate at a particular point?
Draw a tangent on the point where you want to know the rate and calculate the gradient of the tangent
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How does a catalyst increase the rate of reaction?
They decrease the activation energy needed for the reaction to occour
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What is equilibrium?
When the forwards and backwards reaction of a reversible reaction are occuring at the same rate
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What needs to happen for equilibrium to occur?
It needs to take place in a closed system
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What is a closed system?
When none of the reactants or products can escape and nothing else can get in
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What happens if the equilibrium lies to the right?
The concentration of products is greater than that of reactants
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What happens if the equilibrium lies to the left?
The concentration of reactants is greater than that of products
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What does the position of the equilibrium depend on?
Temperature, pressure and the concentration of the reactants and products
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What happens if the reaction is endothermic in one direction
In reversible reactions, the reaction will be exothermic in the other direction
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What is the relationship between energy transfer to and from the surroundings in a reversible reaction?
The energy transferred to the surroundings is equal to the energy transferred from the surrounding
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What is Le Chatelier's principle?
The idea that if you change the conditions of a reversible reaction at equilibrium, the system will try to counteract that change. It can be used to predict the effect of any changes you make to a reaction system
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give an example of a slow reaction


Rusting of iron

Card 3


Give an example of a moderate speed reaction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give an example of a fast reaction


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does a steep line mean on a rate of reaction graph mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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