Rags and riches

1837 to 1901
Big social divide between rich and poor. Progress of huge development to the medicines and the
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housing of rich
Two houses one in the country and one in the city.
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things that the riches owned
Lots of objects and servants to clean and cook.
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housing of the poor
Only able to rent one room or a rope to lean on which would cost 2 pence a night.
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things the poor owned
one bed or two , cutlery was rented and they were only able to by things like a slice of bread.
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Medicine of rich
They could afford private doctors.
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Medicine of poor
They could not afford a doctor or medicine only free advice.
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They could be opened by any one and the medicine had dangerous things in it like led and cocaine.
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1856 Florence Nightingale
She made hospitals better by decreased the percentage of people would die in hospital from 40% to 2%.
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Lois Paster and robert Koch 1861
They found the germ theory and they then stopped so many diseases from then on.
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Edwin Chadwick 1842
He made a book about that peoples life styles can also lead to illnesses.
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John Snow
1854 he took the handle of a street pump and that was what he was famous for because that was what was killing the people around who were drinking from it.
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Rich children education
Rich children usually have a private tutor that would teach them science, algebra, and geography etc.
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Poor Children education
Poor children's education was not as good as the rich because they could not afford it so they went to work or to tiny ragged schools and if they were on the streets they would be sent to industrial schools. In 1842 however it was made compulsory.
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Rich work
The rich's jobs were mainly running / being the owner of a company.
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Poor work
The poor would work in dirty situations and do it for 12 hours a day and only be paid 15 shillings for men, 7 shillings for women and 6 pence a week for children. They were also very unhealthy jobs.
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Card 2


Two houses one in the country and one in the city.


housing of rich

Card 3


Lots of objects and servants to clean and cook.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Only able to rent one room or a rope to lean on which would cost 2 pence a night.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


one bed or two , cutlery was rented and they were only able to by things like a slice of bread.


Preview of the back of card 5
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