Radioactive Materials

What is the smallest part of an element?
1 of 37
Where is the mass of an atom mainly concentrated?
The Nucleus
2 of 37
What is the weight of an Electron?
3 of 37
What happens to alpha particles passing close to a nucleus?
They are deflected
4 of 37
What holds protons and neutrons in the nucleus together?
A strong nuclear force
5 of 37
What is an 'Isotope?'
A form of an element which has different neutrons to the most commonly found form.
6 of 37
What does ionising radiation do?
Knocks out electrons from atoms and forms a positive ion.
7 of 37
What percentage is the background radiation of gamma from rocks?
8 of 37
Radioactivity is...
9 of 37
The amount of radiation emitted is dependant on...
The amount of the radioactive element present
10 of 37
What is gamma radiation?
An electromagnetic wave
11 of 37
What is radiation measured in?
12 of 37
What can ionising radiation do humans?
Cause radiation sickness
13 of 37
What does low-intensity radiation do?
Cause cell mutations that lead to cancer
14 of 37
What is alpha radiation?
Large, highly ionising and can't pass through the skin
15 of 37
Beta and Gamma are...
Highly penetrating
16 of 37
What charge is alpha?
17 of 37
What mass is Beta?
Very light
18 of 37
What range (in air) does Beta have?
19 of 37
What frequencey do gamma rays have?
Very High
20 of 37
What do ions do?
Interfere with the structure of DNA
21 of 37
What happens when a radioactive nucleus emits alpha or beta?
The number of protons and neutrons changes
22 of 37
What does the activity of a radioactive sample depend on?
Number of unstable nuclei present
23 of 37
What is the half-life of a radioisotope?
The time taken for half of all the atoms to decay
24 of 37
What is the method called for treating cancer with radiation?
25 of 37
What radiation is used to treat cancer?
26 of 37
Why is food zapped with gamma last?
So that other bacterium don't get in and multiply
27 of 37
what is used for detecting tumours?
Radioactive tracers
28 of 37
What triggers smoke alarms?
Carbon particles turn the alpha source into a He atom
29 of 37
On a paper thickness guage, what will happen to the radiation if the sheet becomes thicker?
It will decrease
30 of 37
What do PET scans for active cancers detect?
Increased Glucose
31 of 37
What is a Hazard?
Anything which may cause harm
32 of 37
What is the main isotope in food?
33 of 37
What do film badges do?
Monitor radiation
34 of 37
Causes an atom to split
35 of 37
What force attracts the protons and neutrons?
Strong Nuclear Force
36 of 37
What does the 'm' mean in E=mc2
Mass lost during fission
37 of 37

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where is the mass of an atom mainly concentrated?


The Nucleus

Card 3


What is the weight of an Electron?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens to alpha particles passing close to a nucleus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What holds protons and neutrons in the nucleus together?


Preview of the front of card 5
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