Quebec Facts for essays


1. What other problems does the poor housing cause for the autochtones?

  • family arguments
  • all of these
  • health problems
  • poor education/dropping out of school
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. How many English speakers are there in Quebec?

  • 540,000
  • 290,000
  • 740,000
  • 860,000

3. How many people are aged 65 and over in Quebec currently?

  • 1.1 million
  • 2.2 million
  • 5 million
  • 800,000

4. What is the goal of the 'Plan Nord'?

  • To devalue the premier nations who live in the north
  • To create transport links to the north so people can visit
  • To realise the potential of northern territory
  • To separate the northern territory from the sourtern territory

5. How high are the peaks of the Chic-Choc mountains?

  • 1,000km
  • 400km
  • 800km
  • 1,500km


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