Other questions in this quiz

2. what is epistemological reflexivity

  • what could have been improved in the researches approach
  • what could have been improved in the method
  • open endedess
  • when the researcher reflect on how the felt coding ect

3. if the epistemology is contextualism, what methods could we use

  • grounded theory, ethogenics
  • content analysis, ethogenics
  • narrative analysis, discourse analysis
  • content analysis, protocol analysis

4. what is protocol analysis

  • social constructivism
  • used in cognitive psychology as people verbalise their thoughts
  • used in clinical - naturalistic & about discovery
  • counting the N of times a certain word comes up (hybrid)

5. a homogenous focus group is...

  • pps share key features
  • stake in subjects
  • colleagues/friends/strangers
  • naive


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