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Card 6


Characteristics of mental disorders:
(Behavioural, Emotional & Cognitive)

Depression: Characterised by sadness and general withdrawal
B: isolation,lack of motivation, irritable
E: Worthless, lonely,numbness
C: Suicidal/ Negative thoughts


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Card 7


Behavioural approach to explaining phobias:
The two process model proposed by Orval Mowere 1947:

CC: Associating something of no fear with something that already triggers a feared response
OC: Increases frequency of a behaviour. By avoiding a phobia , a


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Card 8


1st Behavioural treatment of Phobias:
systematic desensitisation:

This is a behavioural therapy that is used to unlearn conditioned responses. In this therapy sufferers learn relaxation techniques which are used when facing the hierarchy of exposure to o


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Card 9


2nd Behavioural treatments of phobias:

This is the immediate exposure to the anxiety provoking stimulus. Repeated presentation of feared stimulus in order to reduce influence of stimulus on behaviour (stimulus statation)


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Card 10


The Cognitive approach to explaining depression:

The 1st explanation: Becks cognitive/ negative triad:

Beck believes depression is a result of negative thinking/negative interpretation of the world


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Card 11


2) Negative self schema: Through early trauma people develop negative schema- set of beliefs that are self blaming and pessimistic

3) The cognitive triad: Dysfunctional view of ourselves is developed through 3 types of negative thinking; Negative view of


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Card 12


2nd explanation of depression: Ellis ABC model:

Ellis Believed good mental health was the result of rational thinking that allowed people to be happy. While depression resulted from irrational thoughts.


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Card 13


C= Consequences: When activating event triggers irrational beliefs there are emotional and behavioural consequences. Eg: a person who believes they should always succeed and then fail, this can trigger depression.

'Must' Abatory thinking: This is a sour


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Card 14


Cognitive treatments of depression: CBT

Cognitive: Identify/ alter dysfunctional thinking
Behavioural: Working to change negative thoughts

Becks cognitive therapy- The idea is to identify automatic thoughts on the world, self and the future (negative t


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Card 15


Ellis's REBT therapy: ABCDE
REBT is used to identify and dispute irrational thoughts

D= Disputing belief( argument to break link),
E= Effective belief (eg ' i am loved'), F= Functional behaviour/emotion (excitement about the future)


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