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Card 16


The Biological approach to explaining OCD
The 1st explanation: Genetic:

This explanation suggests OCD is inherited and that whether a person develops OCD is partly due to their genes. This explains why patients have family members with OCD


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Card 17


Candidate genes: Implicated in development of OCD. CG's includes SERT gene (regulate serotonin) and COMT gene (regulates production of dopamine)
OCD is polygenetic- caused by a combination of genes. Stenev Taylor found 230 different genes.
Different types


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Card 18


2nd explanation of OCD: Neural explanation: This explanation suggests that abnormal levels of neurotransmitters (serotonin & dopamine) are implicated in OCD.

Serotonin (effect on mood)- Lower levels in OCD sufferers
Dopamine (Effect on motivation & drive


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Card 19


Brain parts involved in OCD are OFC (decision making, worries about social behaviour) and thalamus (cleaning,checking & safety). OFC & thalamus are overactive. An overactive thalamus results in increased motivation to clean. If one is overactive so is the


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Card 20


The biological approach to treating OCD:
Drug therapy (Gava et al 2007):

This therapy assumes there is a chemical imbalance in the brain, that can be corrected by drugs which can increase/decease levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.


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Card 21


Alternatives to SSRI's: If SSRI's are not effective it can be combined with other drugs such as Tricyclic and SNRI's (kept for people who don't respond to SSRI's
Alternative therapy: Psycosurgery:
Used or patients that don't respond to medications or


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