Psychology Sections

  • Created by: Darcie
  • Created on: 30-04-13 09:46
Turing To Crime
Biology, Upbringing, Cognition
1 of 28
Genes and Serotonin (Brunner), Brain Dysfunction (Raine), Gender (Daly and Wilson)
2 of 28
Disrupted Families (Farrington), Learning From Others (Leyens), Poverty and Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods (Wikstrom and Tajfel)
3 of 28
Criminal Thinking Patterns (Yochelson and Samenow), Social Cognition (Gudjohnsson and Brownes), Moral Development and Crime (Ashkar and Kenny)
4 of 28
Making a Case
Interviewing Witnesses, Interviewing Suspects, Creating a Profile
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Interviewing Witnesses
Recognising Faces (Bruce), Factors Influencing Identification (Loftus), Cognitive Interview (Fisher and Geiselman)
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Interviewing Suspects
Detecting Lies (Mann), Interrogation Teachniques (Inbau), False Confessions (Gudjohnsson)
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Creating A Profile
Top Down (Pinnizzotto and Finkel), Bottom Up (Canter and Heritage), Case Study (Canter)
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Reaching A Verdict (booklet)
Persuading a Jury, Witness Appeal, Reaching a Verdict
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Persuading a Jury
Effect of Order of Testimony (Pennington and Hastie), Persuasion (McKimmie), Effect of Evidence Being Ruled Inadmissible (Pickel)
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Winess Appeal
Attractivness of the Defendant (Sigall and Ostrove), Witness Confidence (Penrod and Cutler), Effects of Shields and Videotape on Children Giving Evidence (Ross)
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Reaching a Verdict (section)
Stages and Influenciung on Decision Making (Penningon and Hastie), Majority Influence (McKimmie), Minority Influence (Nemeth and Wachtler)
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After a Gulity Verdict
Imprisonment, Alternatives to Imprisonment, Treatment Programmes
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Planned Behaviours Once Freed From Jail (Gillis), Depression/Scicide Risk (Dooley), The Prision Situations and Roles (Haney, Banks amd Zimbardo)
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Alternatives to Imprisonment
Probation (Mair and May), Restorative Justice (Sherman and Strang), Looking 'Death-Worthy' (Eberhart)
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Treatment Programmes
Cognitive Skills Programmes ( Friendship), Anger Management (Ireland), Using Ear Acupuncture With a Drug Rehabiliation Program (Wheatley)
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Healthy Living
Therories of Health Belief, Methods of Health Promotion, Features of Adherence to Medical Regimes
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Theories of Health Belief
Health Belief Model (Becker), Locus of Control (Townsend), Self-Efficacy (Bandura and Adams)
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Methods of Health Promotion
Media Campaigns (Cowpe), Legislation (Dannenberg), Fear Arousal (Janis and Feshback)
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Features of Aderence to Medical Regimes
Cognitive Reasons for Non-Adherence (Bulpitt), Physiological measures of non-adherence (Braam), Improving Adherence Using Behavioural Methods (Watt)
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Causes of Stress, Methods of Measuring Stress, Techniques for Managing Stress
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Causes of Stress
Work (Johansson), Hassles and Life Events (Kanner), Lack of Control (Geer and Maisel)
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Methods of Measuring Stress
Physiological Measures (Geer and Maisel), Self-Reports (Kanner), Combined Approach (Johansson)
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Techniques for Managing Stress
Cognitive Techniques (SIT, Meichenbaum), Behavioural Teachniques (Biofeedback, Budzeynski) Social Techniques (Social Support, Waxler-Morrison)
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Dysfunction Behaviour
Diagnosis of Dysfunction Behaviour, Explanations of Dysfunction Behaviour, Traetments of Dysfunction Behaviour
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Diagnosis of Dysfunction Behaviour
Definitions of Dysfunction Behaviour (Lain), Categorising Dysfunction Behaviour (DSM-IV-TR), Biases in Diagnosis (Culture Bound Syndromes, Ford)
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Explanations of Dysfunction Behaviour
Biological Explanations (Farmer), Behavioural Explanations (Lewinsohn), Cognitive Explanations (Beck)
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Treatments of Dysfunction Behaviour
Biological Treatments (Jama), Behavioural Treatments (Reisinger), Cognitive Treatments (Beck)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Genes and Serotonin (Brunner), Brain Dysfunction (Raine), Gender (Daly and Wilson)



Card 3


Disrupted Families (Farrington), Learning From Others (Leyens), Poverty and Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods (Wikstrom and Tajfel)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Criminal Thinking Patterns (Yochelson and Samenow), Social Cognition (Gudjohnsson and Brownes), Moral Development and Crime (Ashkar and Kenny)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Interviewing Witnesses, Interviewing Suspects, Creating a Profile


Preview of the back of card 5
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