
  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 10-01-14 22:52
.what are the three processes necessary for normal memory function?
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what is the potential reason for error for encoding/acquisition?
poor view/focus on weapons/expectation effects.(stereotype)
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what is the potential reason for error for storage?
misleading info(influence)/source misattribution errors(confused what seen)
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what is the potential reason for error for retrieval?
'best guesses' in a line up/leading questions.
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numbers of reserch into EWT are?
role on anxiety,role of schemas, age of witness,use of leading questions,the consequence of testimony,how witnesses are tested,the effect of misleading info and use of cognitive interview.
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what does eyewitness testimony mean?
evidence provided in court by a person who witnessed a crime usually used to identify a perpetrator/criminal.
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What did Baddeley(1997) report to do with the effect of anxiety on ewt?
he reported 74% of suspects were convicted in 300 cases where ew indentification was the only evidence against them.
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What was Elizabeth loftus research on the 'weapon focus phonomenon?
loftus reported a lab study which demonstrated the powerful role that anxiety can play undermining the accuracy ewm.(2 diffenrent conditions case)
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What was Yuille and Cutshall research on real-life events?
they interviewed 13 witnesses to a real life shooting involving the owner of the store and the armed thief.The store owner was wounded but recovered.The thief was shot dead.Some witnesses has seen the incident closely while others were more distant.
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what was the 4 findings on yuille and cutshall(1986) real life events?
witnesses gave impressively accurate accounts several months later.-those closest provided most detail.-misleading q. has no effect on accuracy.-those being most distresses at the time of the shooting proved the most accurate 5 months later
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what was christianson and Hubinette (1993) research on witnessing real life events?
questioned 110 witnesses who has witnessed 22 bank robberies between them.Some were onlookers and some were bank employees who had been directly threatened by the robbers.
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what was the 2 finding of christianson and hubinette research?
victims were more accurate in their recall and remembered more details about what the robbers wore, their behaviour and the weapons used than people who were bystanders.The superior recall continued to be evident,even after 15 month interval.
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What did christianson and hubinette conclude?
people ae good at remembering hgihly stressful events in they occur in real life rather than in artificial lab sorroundings.
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what was condition 1 of loftus' study?
P's overhears low key discussion in a lab abut equip failure.-person emerged from lab holding pen,with grease on hand.P's then had to identify the person from 50 photos.
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what was condition 2 of loftus' study?
overheard heated and hostile exchange between people in lab.-man emerged lab holding a paper knife covered in blood.-p's had to identify person from 50 photos
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what was condition 1 and 2 findings?
49%correctly idenitifed person holding pen-1 33% correctly identified person holding knife-2
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evaluation point by loftus and burns(1982) for ewt?
later research provided support for the findings of elizabeth loftus study.P's watched violent/non violet film on a crime.those who watched violent version(boy been shot in face) were less accurate in recalling info about crime.
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what is an ethical issue for elzabeth loftus's study?
raises ethical issues about welfare of Ps who were deceived and who also may of been upset about witnessing bloodstained paper knife.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the potential reason for error for encoding/acquisition?


poor view/focus on weapons/expectation effects.(stereotype)

Card 3


what is the potential reason for error for storage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the potential reason for error for retrieval?


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Card 5


numbers of reserch into EWT are?


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