Psychology; Biorhythms/sleep - Studies

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  • Created by: DDOB
  • Created on: 07-04-15 13:13
Removed SCN from hamsters. Circadian Rhythm disappeared. Implanted into hamster with disrupted rhythm, they adopted rhythm of hamster
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6 Male p's sleep lab/ 7 in every 20 mins trying to sleep/ blood sample every 20 min. daily secretion 100/120 mins before sleep gate.
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13 volunteers. Ipads. 2 hour exposure. supresses melatonin by 22%
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Harvard medical school
alchohol suppressed REM early on in night.Beta Blockers cuase an increase in REM.
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Historical record for segmented sleep pattern. Vanished by 1920. gap has now become waste of time - cultural determinism
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Russel et al
Donor pheromones on upper lip of sexually inactive women. They adopted donor menstrual cycle.
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Male pheremones may reset a womans biological clock. women who work with men have a shorter menstrual cyle.
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- workers at a chemical plant in Utah. 3 week schedule. night --> evening --> day. animals with this shift pattern have shorter life. when shifts rotated to phase delay - increased productivity.
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692 in danish military. night shifts = 40% risk of breast cancer. more night shifts, greater risk. morning people 4x higher risk of breast cancer. other studies (fritschi)have not found a link.
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West--> east = phase advance. = more jet lag. one day per time zone crossed needed for recovery.
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American baseball games- west --> east had fewer wins.
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marathon runners had larger proportion of stage 4 sleep
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REM - resoration/reorganisation of nervous system NREM - resoration and repair of body.
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high level of REM in babies helps brain grow.
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Wolfson and Carskadon
3000 american highschool students slept on avergae 7.3 hours. those who achieved mostly A - went to bed earlier and had on average an hour more sleep. Sleep disturbances caused lower grades.
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Ancoli - Israeli et al
Poor sleep in elderly is cuased by illness/medication
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Hibernation theory
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Predation theory
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Alison and Chichetti
Sleep patterns - 39 species. relationship between risk of predation and amount of sleep.
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Sleep deprived. disorganised speech/blurred vision/nervous system effected.
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core/optional sleep
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REM deprived group more irritable.
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disruption of stage 4 - muscle stiffness/back pain
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Hypocretin, spinal fluid. Hypocretin undetectably low in 37/42 narcoleptics. Detectable in all controls except 3 pationns with GBS
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Narcolepsy does not run in families/not concurrent in twins. low levels of hypocretin in patients with narcolepsy/died of unknown causes.
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Concordance rates for sleepwalking. MZ 47% DZ 7%.
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Same gene for narcolepsy/sleepwalking. 50% sleepwalkers had HLA gene. 24% of non sleepwalkers
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Jules Low
Attacked and killed his father and had no recollection. History of sleepwalking and drinking alcohol
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8-18 twins. genetics contributed 33-38% at 8-10 and 14-24% at 14-15
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pill had most dramatic improvements on insomnia at first, CBT same results few days later. After 2 years; CBT most effective because it lowered expectations of sleep.
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Card 2


6 Male p's sleep lab/ 7 in every 20 mins trying to sleep/ blood sample every 20 min. daily secretion 100/120 mins before sleep gate.



Card 3


13 volunteers. Ipads. 2 hour exposure. supresses melatonin by 22%


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Card 4


alchohol suppressed REM early on in night.Beta Blockers cuase an increase in REM.


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Card 5


Historical record for segmented sleep pattern. Vanished by 1920. gap has now become waste of time - cultural determinism


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