Psychology Attatchment Quiz (Part one)


1. What are the 3 principles of operant conditioning?

  • Baby, pleasure, mother
  • Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment
  • Baby, mother, food
  • Uncontrolled stimulus, uncontrolled responses, neutral stimulus
1 of 14

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of the following four statements regarding learning theory is false?

  • By the process of classical conditioning between the mother (a neutral stimulus) and the feeling of pleasure (an uncontrolled response) that comes from being fed
  • The mother must be with food to make the baby feel pleasure because the pleasure is only created through associating the mother with food.
  • According to learning theory the baby had to learn to form an attachment with it's mother
  • The mother can eventually stimulate pleasure without food

3. What research method was used in the strange situation?

  • Lab experiment
  • Field experiment
  • Controlled observation
  • Naturalistic observation

4. What are two types of conditioning in the Learning Theory of attachment?

  • Consequence and Association
  • Positive and Negative Reinforcement
  • Operant and Classical
  • Reinforcement and Stimuli

5. What is attachment?

  • A relationship between the child and the mother
  • A reciprocal bond between the primary caregiver and the child
  • A bond
  • An innate relationship between the child and it's mother


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