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6. What are two types of conditioning in the Learning Theory of attachment?

  • Operant and Classical
  • Positive and Negative Reinforcement
  • Reinforcement and Stimuli
  • Consequence and Association

7. Who developed the idea of operant conditioning by testing on rats?

  • Robertson
  • Bowlby
  • Skinner
  • Lorenz

8. What did Lorenz find animals do to the first thing they see?

  • Love
  • Attach
  • Imprint
  • Follow

9. Who developed classical conditioning?

  • Bowlby and Skinner
  • Dollard and Miller
  • Robertson and Roberston
  • Loftus and Palmer

10. What are the features of Bowlby's theory?

  • Adaptive, social releasers, monotropy, internal working model, innate
  • Adaptive, social releasers, critical period, monotropy, internal working model
  • Adaptive, social releasers, critical period, montropy, internal working model, innate
  • Adaptive, social releasers, positive reinforcement, critical period, monotropy, internal working model, innate

11. What is attachment?

  • A reciprocal bond between the primary caregiver and the child
  • An innate relationship between the child and it's mother
  • A bond
  • A relationship between the child and the mother

12. What was the most prominent type of attachment?

  • A
  • D
  • B
  • C

13. Which of the following four statements regarding learning theory is false?

  • The mother can eventually stimulate pleasure without food
  • According to learning theory the baby had to learn to form an attachment with it's mother
  • The mother must be with food to make the baby feel pleasure because the pleasure is only created through associating the mother with food.
  • By the process of classical conditioning between the mother (a neutral stimulus) and the feeling of pleasure (an uncontrolled response) that comes from being fed

14. Which of the following four statements regarding learning theory is true?

  • The mother produces a controlled response of pleasure after repeated associations with an uncontrolled stimulus
  • Pleasure becomes an uncontrolled response when the mother is present due to the mother being associated with food.
  • The mother provokes a natural response without being associated with food
  • The mother is initially a controlled stimulus but becomes a neutral stimulus due to being associated with food