Psychology - attachment quick quiz 2


1. The Learning Theory of Attachment is supported by a study carried out by...?

  • Lorenz and his imprinting theory with geese
  • Skinner, animals repeat behaviour if rewarded & Pavlov, dogs associated bell with food
  • Milgram, participants obey orders from official to administer lethal electric shock
  • Zimbarbo and his prison experiment into fulfilling social role
1 of 10

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2. In Bowlby's Evolutionary Theory, attachments are formed through?

  • Natural selection, infants are an investment for the caregiver, and will carry on their line of family.
  • A period of time, the caregiver recognises and forms an attachment with the infant over the course of 5 months
  • Selection pressure, parents chose the strongest of their infants to focus on.
  • Conditioning, the infant associates the caregiver with food and comfort.

3. Ainsworth conducted a study in Uganda which showed attachment in different cultures is?

  • Formed at an older age in the USA
  • Formed at a similar age across all cultures
  • Formed at a different age in different cultures
  • Formed at a younger age in the Uganda

4. To study attachment across a culture, psychologists use?

  • Cultural-differences studies
  • Cross-cultural studies
  • Long term-culture studies
  • Inter-cultural studies

5. Bowlby claims that attachment takes place in the.....?

  • Instinctive years
  • Important years
  • Sensitive years
  • Younger years


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