
Theory of Mind
To know what others are thinking - beliefs, desires, emotions
1 of 24
Someone who has trouble with social interaction, communication and imagination
2 of 24
Associative Symbol Learning
Learning to associate specific sounds with specific symbols and objects
3 of 24
Referential Symbol Learning
Being able to refer to symbols and objects even if they are not within the immediate context
4 of 24
Symbol Differentiation
Being able to select a specific symbol or object from a group of symbols on cue
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The ability to understand that things remain the same even if appearance changes
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Social Learning Theory
When you observe and imitate others from your environment (vicarious learning)
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Oedipus Conflict
Passionate desire to have sex with your mother and want to possess them. Rivalry with father and so wishes him dead
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Dispositional Hypothesis
People obey because they have an obedient personality
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Situational Hypothesis
People obey because of factors within the situation (i.e. authority figures)
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Appears like a participant but is involved with the experiment
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Bystander Effect
When a person is less likely to help in an emergency situation simply because there are other people around. More likely to help in an emergency situation when they are the only person around
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Pluralistic Ignorance
Seeing other peoples reactions and following them. Assessing others before you act
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Diffusion of Responsibility
Not helping others because there are others around you so you think they will act
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Hierarchies exist in society and tyranny is when one social group uses its power over another social group, which results in that group feeling oppressed
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SID: Social Comparison
Social groups do not exist in isolation, but in a social context in which some groups have more prestige, power or status than others
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SID: Categorisation
Basic tendency to classify things into groups
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Self Concept
Membership of a social group affects our self-concept. People want to belong to groups which will reflect positively on their self-esteem
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Controls memory. Tiny structure in the middle of the brain, particularly spatial memory and navigation
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Left and right parts of the brain. Control opposite parts of the body. Left controls right, Right controls left
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Corpus Collosum
Centre of the brain that connects the two halves of the brain
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Two halves of the brain are not joined, cannot communicate
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Left Hemisphere
Connected to RVF- Language and Speech
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Right Hemisphere
Connected to the LVF- Creativity
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Someone who has trouble with social interaction, communication and imagination



Card 3


Learning to associate specific sounds with specific symbols and objects


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Card 4


Being able to refer to symbols and objects even if they are not within the immediate context


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Being able to select a specific symbol or object from a group of symbols on cue


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