Psychology Attachments

  • Created by: Clozzi
  • Created on: 10-02-13 15:46
The first special attachment in a child is called?
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This creates a basis for future attachments which is called
Internal working model
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The critical period is
3 years
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Bowlby says that attachments is
innate, adoptive and helps us to survive
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An infants way of getting attention is in the form of
social releasers
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What did lorenz say to support the theory?
The baby goslings imprinted and a similar process happens in many species.
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Tronick et al and the efe tribe supports what part of the theory?
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Who supported the idea of monotropy?
Tronick et al and Shaffer and Emerson
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Who studied care-giver sensitivity
Schaffer + Emerson
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What did Grossman and Grossman say against the theory?
Th theory does not include the role of the father which they show to be important.
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What is the continuity hypothesis?
The temprement of the child depends on the mothers responsivenss. (Thomas + chess)
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Learning theory says that
Attachment is learned through conditioning
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What are the two types of conditioning?
Classical and operent
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The person providing the food becomes associated with pleasure, they hen are associated with food whether or not they have food
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Good behaviour is rewarded and bad behaviour punished.
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Two limitations to learning theory?
It is reductionalist, too simple. Food is now believed not to be the unconditioned stimulus
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A strength of learning theory
We do learn through association and reward but it may not be food.
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A study to contradict learning theory
Harlows monkeys should have attached to the food mother, but they attached to the soft one
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Behaviour of a securely attached infant
Explores environment, distress on seperation, greats mother on reunion, friendly with stranger when mother is there
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A resistant child
Much distress on seperation, high stranger anxiety, upon reunion seek and reject, low willingness to explore
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Avoidant child
Shows little distress on seperation, avoids contact whith mother, no nervousness around strangers
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who studied cross-cultural variations?
ijzendoorn + kroonenberg (meta-analysis)
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What did ijzendoorn + kroonenberg find?
western children were more likely to be avoidant, where as eastern was resistant
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Who devised the strange situation?
ainsworth et al
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what did Ainsworth find?
Most children were secure 66%
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What are the factors that affect attachment? (Ainsworth)
Sensitivity of care-giver and maternal reflective functioning
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what was the maternal deprivation hypothesis? (Bowlby)
A mothers love is as important to mental health as vitimins and protein for physical health
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what study supported the hypothesis?
Bowlby, 44 thieves
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what study contradicts the hypothesis?
Frued + Dan, 6 children, concerntration camp, didnt develop affectionless psychopathy,
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What did Joyce Robertson do to help maintain emotional bonds?
Kept a high level of emotional care and kept the childrens routines the same as their home
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what does PDD stand for?
proest, dispair, dettachment
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What did hodges and tizard find?
Children in care were less likely to have a best friend, and to be liked by other children and crave attention from adults
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What is attachment disorder?
Have no attachment figure, inability to react and relate to others
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What are the two types of attachment disorder?
Inhibited - shy and withdrawn Disinhibited - over-friendly, attention seeking
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who studied poor parenting?
quinton et al
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what is the study that supports deprivation dwarfism?
Gardner - little girl with tube, mum was scared to disrupt tube
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The later children are adopted...
the greater the effect that institutional care had on them.
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Positive effects of day care - Agression
Field - better social development, rated more attractive
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negative effects of day care - Agression
NICHD - 3 more likely to show behaviour problems Belskey ET AL - looked at NICHD children, found a link to agressiveness
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Positive effects of day care - Peer relations
Anderson - swedish, greater social competense Creps + vernon-feagons - more sociable before six months
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Internal working model


This creates a basis for future attachments which is called

Card 3


3 years


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Card 4


innate, adoptive and helps us to survive


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Card 5


social releasers


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