Psychology: Conformity: The Stanford Prison Experiment


1. What happened when the prisoners asked to leave?

  • They were locked in their cells and told they were not allowed.
  • They were taken to the prison warden and made to believe that they couldn't.
  • They immediately released them and escorted them out the the prison.
  • They were persuaded to stay by being offered more money.
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2. What did the prisoners wear and why?

  • Identical smocks with numbers on the front, to remove their sense of individuality and identity.
  • Prison uniforms with no shoes and their names clearly on the front so they could be identified.
  • Their own plain clothes so as not to confuse the other participants or cause them any distress.
  • Plain potato sacks with no names or numbers on the front so that the prisoners all felt equal.

3. Why did some people claim that the experiment wasn't valid or that it wasn't a 'real experiment'?

  • Zimbardo became a part of the experiment himself instead of being a neutral observer, which could have affected the results.
  • It was carried out in a mock prison in a basement, instead of a real prison.
  • There was no control group or independent variables, so there was nothing to compare their research to.
  • The participants might have acted differently if they'd have known they were being watched.

4. How did the prisoners rebel?

  • They refused to follow orders, make their beds or put out their cigarettes.
  • They refused to speak, eat or make their beds.
  • The refused to eat, tore the numbers off their uniforms and barricaded themselves into their cells.
  • They all grouped together and attacked the guards in an attempt to get out of the prison.

5. Which of these was an ethical issue for Zimbardo's experiment?

  • They were filmed and recorded without their knowledge.
  • The participants playing prisoners did not consent to be arrested at home.
  • The guards forced the prisoners to do repetitive head counts.
  • The prisoners were stripped of their clothes when they entered the mock prison.


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