Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these explanations for obedience are dispositional?

  • agentic shift
  • authoritarian personality
  • legitimacy of authority
  • graduated commitment

3. Which 3 factors affect conformity?

  • unanimity, age, gender
  • group size, unanimity, task difficulty
  • group size, age, unanimity
  • task difficulty, group size, gender

4. What 3 things did Moscovici find make minority influence more effective?

  • being committed, flexible, inconsistent
  • being committed, inflexible, inconsistent
  • being consistent, committed, flexible
  • being consistent, committed, inflexible

5. How many confederates did Asch find was optimal for conformity rates?

  • 7
  • 9
  • 8
  • 6


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