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6. How many confederates did Asch find was optimal for conformity rates?

  • 7
  • 9
  • 8
  • 6

7. What 3 things did Moscovici find make minority influence more effective?

  • being committed, inflexible, inconsistent
  • being consistent, committed, flexible
  • being committed, flexible, inconsistent
  • being consistent, committed, inflexible

8. Which of these explanations for obedience are dispositional?

  • authoritarian personality
  • graduated commitment
  • legitimacy of authority
  • agentic shift

9. Who created the Locus of Control scale?

  • Rotter
  • Zimbardo
  • Moscovici et al
  • Bem

10. What was the maximum voltage in Milgram's study, and how many conformed to this?

  • 315v, 40%
  • 450v, 65%
  • 315v, 75%
  • 450v, 75%

11. Who carried out a study in a security guard uniform to see if it increased obedience?

  • Bickman
  • Slater
  • Milgram variation
  • Asch

12. When Asch put a dissenter into his study, what did conformity rates drop to?

  • 6%
  • 5.5%
  • 4.5%
  • 7.2%

13. Which of these factors affect obedience?

  • proximity, location, uniform
  • proximity, unanimity, group size
  • location, unanimity, uniform
  • group size, task difficulty, proximity

14. How is obedience different to conformity?

  • equal status, direct pressure
  • higher status, direct pressure
  • lower status, direct pressure
  • higher status, indirect pressure

15. The jelly bean study was conducted by who?

  • Jenness
  • Allan
  • Asch
  • Zimbardo

16. Who studied obedience in a natural setting?

  • Hofling
  • Jenness
  • Milgram
  • Zimbardo

17. What was the finding from Jenness' study?

  • in non ambiguous situations, people do not conform to the majority
  • in ambiguous situations, people conform to the majority
  • in non ambiguous situations, people conform to the majority
  • in ambiguous situations, people do not conform to the majority

18. What type of conformity involves temporary public and private agreement?

  • Identification
  • Compliance
  • Internalisation
  • Normative

19. Which 3 factors affect conformity?

  • unanimity, age, gender
  • task difficulty, group size, gender
  • group size, unanimity, task difficulty
  • group size, age, unanimity

20. Which factors are associated with resistance to social influence?

  • social support, high internal locus of control
  • social support, age
  • social support, high external locus of control
  • high internal locus of control, age